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Radio Conference Subcommittee (RCS)

Radio Conference Subcommittee (RCS) Terms of Reference (Updated September 2003):

The Radio Conference Subcommittee

a.1. The Radio Conference Subcommittee (RCS) will be responsible to the IRAC for the carrying out of those functions given in Article II that relate to preparing for ITU conferences, including the development of recommended U.S. proposals and positions.
   2. In the furtherance of the above the RCS shall undertake preparatory work relating to international radio conferences:

(a) Develop recommended proposals for consideration by the Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (CITEL),
(b) Maintain close liaison with related conference preparatory activities of the U.S. for the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) including the ITU Conference Preparatory Meetings held prior to Radiocommunication Conferences,
(c) Coordinate with other U.S. groups considering radio conferences related issues within other international and regional organizations such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, the International Maritime Organization, the International Civil Aeronautics Organization, the World Meteorological Organization, and the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity;
(d) Take into account;

(1) Current and planned national and international frequency uses, and the optimum placement of radio services with a view to the most effective use of spectrum in the overall national interest;
(2) The anticipated needs of all radio services at various points in the future;
(3) New developments in existing services;
(4) New techniques, the application of which may require revision of regulations concerning radio frequency matter; and,
(5) New services for which the current regulations makes no provisions.

   3. Undertake preparatory activities related to ITU Plenipotentiary Conferences, ITU Radio-communication Assembly, Council as it pertains to matters involving radio, and the Radiocommunication Advisory Group including the development of recommended U.S. proposals and positions.

  b. The RCS shall consist of a representative appointed by each of the following member departments and agencies:

Air Force
Broadcasting Board of Governors
Coast Guard
Department of Energy
Federal Aviation Administration
Department of Homeland Security
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Science Foundation
National Security Agency
Department of Veterans Affairs

together with such other members of the IRAC as the IRAC may hereafter designate and such non-members of the IRAC as the Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management may hereafter designate.
c. Liaison between the RCS and the FCC is effected by a representative appointed by the Commission to serve in that capacity.
d. Each Federal Government department or agency involved in the use of radio frequencies shall be eligible for membership. Applications for membership shall be directed to the Executive Secretary for appropriate action by the IRAC. Applications for membership from non-members of the IRAC shall be forwarded to the Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management with the recommendations of the IRAC.
e. Regular attendance is encouraged; however, in light of the wide variety and specialized nature of subjects considered, attendance is left to the discretion of each member based on the current agenda;
f. Each member of the RCS shall have the right to accredit an alternate to function in the absence of its representative. In the absence of its accredited representative and alternate, a member may designate a temporary alternate. Any representative or alternate may be accompanied to meetings of the RCS by such assistants as desired. Each representative, alternate, and assistant shall be an officer or employee of the department or agency they represent, except as provided in Section 1, Article III.
g. The officers of the RCS shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary.

1. Coast Guard also represents the Highway, Railroad, National Highway Traffic Safety, and Urban Mass Transportation Administration and the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation of the Department of Transportation, and the Maritime Administration.

2. FAA also represents the Transportation Systems Center of the Department of Transportation.

See Also: NTIA Preparation for World Radiocommunications Conference


Link to NTIA Manual of Frequency Management

Link to US Frequency Allocation Chart

Link to US Frequency Allocation Chart

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