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Federal Travel Regulation Chapter 302 -- Relocation Allowances

Chapter 302—Relocation Allowances
Subchapter D—Transportation and Storage of Property

Part 302-8—Allowances for Extended Storage of Household Goods (HHG)

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5738; 20 U.S.C. 905(a); E.O. 11609, 36 FR 13747, 3 CFR, 1971–1975 Comp., p. 586.

Subpart A—General

Note to Subpart A: Use of pronouns “I”, “you”, and their variants throughout this subpart refers to the employee, unless otherwise noted.

§302-8.1  When may extended storage of HHG be authorized?

Your agency may authorize extended storage of HHG under the following circumstances:

(a) Extended storage of HHG may be authorized in lieu of shipment when:

(1) You are assigned to an isolated duty station within CONUS (see Subpart B of this part);

(2) You are assigned to an overseas official station where your agency limits the amount of HHG you may transport to that location;

(3) You are assigned to an OCONUS official station and your agency determines extended storage is in the public interest or cost effective to do so; or

(4) It is necessary for a temporary change of station (TCS).

(b) Extended storage of HHG is not permitted for a career SES employee eligible for last move home benefits.

§302-8.2  What is the purpose of extended storage?

The purpose of extended storage is to assist in protecting personal items when you are:

(a) Authorized a temporary change of station (TCS) under §302-3.400 of this chapter;

(b) Assigned to isolated locations in CONUS to which the employee cannot take or at which the employee is unable to use his/her HHG and personal effects because of the absence of residence quarters at that location,

(c) Assigned OCONUS when:

(1) The official station is one to which you cannot take or at which you are unable to use your HHG and your personal effects; or

(2) The head of your agency authorizes storage of your HHG is in the public interest or is more economical than transporting; or

(d) Storage is necessary during school recess for DoDDS teachers.

§302-8.3  How will I know when my agency has made a decision to authorize extended storage of my HHG?

Your agency will indicate on your travel authorization the specific allowances you are authorized as provided in this chapter.

§302-8.4  May I receive an advance of funds for storage allowances covered by this part?

No, an advance of funds is not allowed for storage allowances of HHG.

Subpart B—Extended Storage During Assignment to Isolated Locations in the Continental United States (CONUS)

§302-8.100  What is the policy for extended storage of HHG during assignment to isolated locations in CONUS?

Extended storage of HHG belonging to an employee transferred or a new appointee assigned to an official station at an isolated location in CONUS may be allowed only when it is clearly justified under the conditions in this part and is not primarily for the convenience, or at the request of, the employee or the new appointee.

§302-8.101  What are the criteria for determining whether an official station is an isolated official station for purposes of this part?

(a) As determined by your agency, an official station at an isolated location is a place of permanent duty assignment in CONUS at which you have no alternative except to live where you are unable to use your HHG because:

(1) The type of quarters you are required to occupy at the isolated official station will not accommodate your HHG; or

(2) Residence quarters which would accommodate your HHG are not available within reasonable daily commuting distance of the official station.

(b) The designation of an official station as isolated in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section shall not preclude a determination in individual instances that adequate housing is available for some employees stationed there based on housing which may be available within daily commuting distance and the size and other characteristics of each employee’s immediate family. In such instances the station shall not be considered isolated with regard to you if your agency determines adequate family housing is available for you.

Note to §302-8.101: Heads of agencies concerned are responsible for designating the isolated official station at which conditions exist for allowing extended storage of HHG at Government expense for some or all employees.

§302-8.102  Am I eligible for extended storage of HHG and personal effects?

Yes, you are eligible for extended storage of HHG and personal effects if:

(a) You are stationed at an isolated official station which your agency determines meets the criteria in §302-8.101;

(b) You performed relocation travel or travel as a new appointee; and

(c) Your agency authorizes payment for extended storage of your HHG.

§302-8.103  Where may my HHG be stored?

Your HHG may be stored either in:

(a) Available Government-owned storage space; or

(b) Suitable commercial storage space obtained by the Government if:

(1) Government-owned space is not available, or

(2) Commercial storage space is more economical or suitable because of location, transportation costs, or for other reasons.

§302-8.104  What are the allowable costs for storage?

Allowable costs for storage include the cost of:

(a) Necessary packing;

(b) Crating;

(c) Unpacking;

(d) Uncrating;

(e) Transportation to and from place of storage;

(f) Charges while in storage; and

(g) Other necessary charges directly relating to the storage as approved by your agency.

§302-8.105  May I transport a portion of my HHG to the official station and store the remainder at Government expense?

Yes, you may transport a portion of your HHG to the official station and store the remainder at Government expense, if authorized by your agency. The combined weight, however, of the HHG stored and transported must not exceed the maximum 18,000 pounds net weight.

§302-8.106  May I change from temporary to extended storage?

Yes, you may change from temporary to extended storage, if authorized by your agency.

§302-8.107  May I change from storage at personal expense to extended storage at Government expense?

Yes, you may change from storage at personal expense to extended storage at Government expense, if authorized by your agency.

§302-8.108  What is the authorized time period for extended storage of my HHG?

The authorized time period for extended storage of your HHG is for the duration of the assignment not to exceed 3-years. However:

(a) Your agency will conduct periodic reviews to determine whether current housing conditions at your isolated official station warrant continuation of storage;

(b) Eligibility for extended storage at Government expense will terminate on your last day of active duty at the isolated official station. However your HHG may remain in temporary storage for an additional period of time not to exceed 90 days, if approved by your agency.

(c) When eligibility ceases, storage at Government expense may continue until the beginning of the second month after the month in which your tour at the official station OCONUS terminates, unless to avoid inequity your agency extends the period.

Subpart C—Extended Storage During Assignment Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS)

§302-8.200  Am I eligible for extended storage during assignment OCONUS?

Yes, you are eligible for extended storage during assignment OCONUS if your agency authorizes it, and if:

(a) The official station is one to which you are not authorized to take, or at which you are unable to use, your HHG; or

(b) Your agency authorizes it as being in the public interest; or

(c) Your agency determines the estimated cost of storage would be less than the cost of round-trip transportation (including temporary storage) of the HHG to your new official station.

§302-8.201  Am I entitled to reimbursement for extended storage of HHG?

No, your agency will determine when it is in the Government’s interest to reimburse you for extended storage of HHG OCONUS.

§302-8.202  Do provisions for the place, choice, or type of storage, allowable costs, or partial storage during assignment OCONUS differ from those prescribed for storage during assignment to isolated locations in CONUS?

No; the same allowable extended storage expenses provided in §§302-8.103 through 302-8.108 apply to extended storage OCONUS.

§302-8.203  What is the authorized time period for extended storage of my HHG?

Time limitations for extended storage of your HHG will be determined by your agency as follows:

(a) For the duration of the OCONUS assignment plus 30 days prior to the time the tour begins and plus 60 days after the tour is completed;

(b) Extensions may be allowed for subsequent service or tours of duty at the same or other overseas stations if you continue to be eligible as set forth in §302-8.200; and

(c) When eligibility ceases, storage at Government expense may continue until the beginning of the second month after the month in which your tour at the official station OCONUS terminates, unless to avoid inequity your agency extends the period.

Subpart D—Storage During School Recess for Department of Defense Overseas Dependents School (DoDDS) Teachers

§302-8.300  Under what authority am I provided storage during school recess?

(a) Description. The Department of Defense Overseas Teachers Pay and Personnel Practices Act (20 U.S.C. 905) provides authority for the storage of the HHG of DoDDS teachers during the recess period between 2 consecutive school years.

(b) Regulations. See the DoD Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), Volume 2, published by the Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee and available on the world wide web at

§302-8.301  What obligations do I have if I do not report for service at the beginning of the next school year?

If you do not report for service at the beginning of the next school year, you must repay the Government for the cost of the extended storage of your HHG during the recess. Except for reasons beyond your control and acceptable to DoD, you shall be obligated to reimburse DoD the amount paid for the commercial storage, including related services. If, however, the property was stored in a Government facility, you shall pay DoD an amount equal to the reasonable value of the storage furnished, including related services.

Subpart E—Agency Responsibilities

Note to Subpart E: Use of pronouns “we”, “you”, and their variants throughout this subpart refers to the agency.

§302-8.400  What policies must we establish for the allowance for extended storage of HHG?

You must establish policies and procedures governing this part including:

(a) When you will authorize payment;

(b) Who will determine whether payment is appropriate;

(c) How and when reimbursements will be paid;

(d) Which locations meet the criteria of this part for isolated official station at which conditions exist for allowing extended storage at Government expense for some or all employees;

(e) Who will determine the duration and place of extended storage.

§302-8.401  How should we administer the authorization and payment of extended storage of HHG?

You should limit payment of extended storage of HHG to only those expenses that are necessary and in the interest of the Government.

§302-8.402  May we allow the employee to determine options in the preference of his/her storage?

Yes, the employee may determine options in the preference of his/her storage. You may authorize the employee to:

(a) Transport a portion of his/her HHG to the official station and store the remainder at Government expense;

(b) Change from temporary to extended storage; and

(c) Change from storage at personal expense to extended storage at Government expense.