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Pennsylvania Division
Federal Highway Administration
Philadelphia Metropolitan Office Staff

Who are we?

The Philadelphia Metropolitan Office is staffed by five individuals, two from the Federal Highway Administration and three from the Federal Transit Administration.

We are located at:

1760 Market Street
Suite 510
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Office Numbers:

Phone:(215) 656-7070
Fax:(215) 656-7269

Staff Members:

Carmine M. Fiscina, Technology and Safety Engineer, FHWA
Direct Line: (215) 656-7111
Pager: (215) 984-2895
E-mail: carmine.pa.fiscina@fhwa.dot.gov

Amy Fox, Metropolitan Intermodal Engineer, FHWA
Direct Line: (215) 656-7054
Pager: (215) 403-9990
E-mail: amy.fox@fhwa.dot.gov

Keith Lynch, Community Planner, FTA
Direct Line: (215) 656-7056
E-mail: keith.lynch@fta.dot.gov

Janet M. Kampf, Transportation Program Specialist, FTA
Direct Line: (215) 656-7254
E-mail: janet.kampf@fta.dot.gov

Catharine Githens, Administrative Staff Assistant, FTA
Office Number: (215) 656-7070
E-mail: catharine.githens@fta.dot.gov

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