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Small Area Health Insurance Estimates

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2005 Health Insurance Coverage Status for Counties and States: User Notes

Download the 2005 SAHIE dataset [TXT - 4.8M].

  • All Races is the only race category available at the county-level.
  • The under 19 age group is only available for Both Sexes, All Races, and At or below 200 percent of federal poverty threshold.
  • The age 50 to 64 age group is not provided at the county-level.
  • Either At or below 200 percent of federal poverty threshold or the At or below 250 percent of federal poverty threshold is available at the county-level.

Download a list of states and their respective IPR » [XLS - 21k]

Note: Statistically comparing SAHIE estimates between pairs of counties or pairs of states is not currently possible because it requires additional correlation coefficients.

[Excel] or the letters [xls] indicate a document is in the Microsoft® Excel® Spreadsheet Format (XLS). To view the file, you will need the Microsoft® Excel® Viewer This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content. available for free from Microsoft®. This symbol Symbol indicating that file is external to this site. indicates a link to a non-government web site. Our linking to these sites does not constitute an endorsement of any products, services or the information found on them. Once you link to another site you are subject to the policies of the new site.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Small Area Health Insurance Estimates |  Last Revised: August 03, 2009