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FHWA Minnesota Division
Our Mission

Welcome to Minnesota The mission of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is "Enhancing Mobility through Innovation, Leadership, and Public Service." This mission is delineated in five goals set forth in the FHWA Strategic Plan - Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Global Connectivity, Environment, National Security, and Organizational Excellence.

The staff of the Minnesota Division has a unique role in carrying out the FHWA mission. As one of fifty-two FHWA Federal-aid field divisions, we are responsible for the delivery of the Federal-aid Highway Program to state and local transportation agencies in Minnesota. Focusing exclusively on Minnesota allows us to develop close working relationships with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT), the seven metropolitan planning organizations (MPO's) in the state's major urban areas, and many of Minnesota's 854 cities and 87 counties. We are also able to develop strong working relationships with the University of Minnesota and many of the trade organizations and interest groups throughout the state. These relationships allow us to get to know the unique needs of each organization, and to tailor our services to best meet those needs.

We are proud of the relationships we have developed. We value each state and local transportation agency in Minnesota as our customer, our partner, and our supplier. As our customers, we stand ready to serve them with financial and other forms of professional assistance, including the guidance in applying federal laws and regulations, technology development and deployment, and oversight. As our partners, we join them in serving our mutual customers, the American public. And, as our suppliers, we depend on them for the information we need to carry out certain transportation policy functions and responsibilities at the national level. This unique relationship has served us well for many decades and we anticipate it will continue to serve us for many more to come.

Our Program

The Federal-aid Highway Program is governed by Title 23 of the United States Code. Minnesota currently receives in excess of $450 million per year in program funds. These are made up of formula grants apportioned to the states by legislative formulas, and other grants which are allocated to the states either at the discretion of the FHWA or by direct Congressional earmarking. The Mn/DOT is the primary recipient of nearly all Federal-aid highway funds in Minnesota; however, much of the funding is passed through the Mn/DOT to local agencies, MPOs, universities, or other organizations throughout the State. These funds are available for a variety of purposes including highway design and construction, planning, research, transit capital projects, and various other studies.

The FHWA Division provides oversight of major construction projects located on the Interstate System, but for nearly all other projects, the Mn/DOT assumes the FHWA's oversight responsibility.

Our Staff

The Minnesota Division staff consists of 22 permanent full time individuals, one FHWA headquarters staff member collocated with the division, and other staff who may be assigned to the division on a periodic or temporary basis. They represent a variety of disciplines ranging from engineering to financial management, from civil rights to planning, and from realty services to environment. They possess a wealth of talent and experience. This web site provides a brief profile of each of our associates, including a photo and list of major program responsibilities. We hope you will use this information to get to know them better, and to quickly locate the individual best able to meet your needs. All are anxious to serve.

Contact Us

We have attempted to keep this web site simple and to provide you only with the basic information you need to effectively interact with the Division. For additional details about our agency and programs, we invite you to visit the FHWA's agency web site at www.fhwa.dot.gov.

Your input on the services we provide, or suggestions for how we can do better are always welcomed. If we've missed anything, please let us know by e-mailing us directly at minnesota.fhwa@fhwa.dot.gov. We value your input.

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