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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5226

Field Demonstrations of Five Geophysical Methods that Could Be Used to Characterize Deposits of Alluvial Aggregate

By K.J. Ellefsen, B.L. Burton, J.E. Lucius, S.S. Haines, D.V. Fitterman, J.A. Witty, D. Carlson, B. Milburn, and W.H. Langer

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Personnel from the U.S. Geological Survey and Martin Marietta Aggregates, Inc., conducted field demonstrations of five different geophysical methods to show how these methods could be used to characterize deposits of alluvial aggregate. The methods were time-domain electromagnetic sounding, electrical resistivity profiling, S-wave reflection profiling, S-wave refraction profiling, and P-wave refraction profiling. All demonstrations were conducted at one site within a river valley in central Indiana, where the stratigraphy consisted of 1 to 2 meters of clay-rich soil, 20 to 35 meters of alluvial sand and gravel, 1 to 6 meters of clay, and multiple layers of limestone and dolomite bedrock. All geophysical methods, except time-domain electromagnetic sounding, provided information about the alluvial aggregate that was consistent with the known geology. Although time-domain electromagnetic sounding did not work well at this site, it has worked well at other sites with different geology. All of these geophysical methods complement traditional methods of geologic characterization such as drilling.

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Posted November 2007

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Suggested citation:

Ellefsen, K.J., Burton, B.L., Lucius, J.E., Haines, S.S., Fitterman, D.V., Witty, J.A., Carlson, D., Milburn, B., and Langer, W.H., Field demonstrations of five geophysical methods that could be used to characterize deposits of alluvial aggregate, 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5226, 20 p.

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