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Scientific Investigations Report 2005–5045
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Calibrating a Tensor Magnetic Gradiometer Using Spin Data

By Robert E. Bracken, David V. Smith, and Philip J. Brown

This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Defense through the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)

thumbnail image of TESSA on spin-calibration turntable with drive assembly
on right connected with nonmagnetic drive belt.

Scalar magnetic data are often acquired to discern characteristics of geologic source materials and buried objects. It is evident that a great deal can be done with scalar data, but there are significant advantages to direct measurement of the magnetic gradient tensor in applications with nearby sources, such as unexploded ordnance (UXO). To explore these advantages, we adapted a prototype tensor magnetic gradiometer system (TMGS) and successfully implemented a data-reduction.

Version 1.2

Posted March 2005

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