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Scientific Investigations Report 2004–5203
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Remote Sensing Characterization of the Animas River Watershed, Southwestern Colorado, by AVIRIS Imaging Spectroscopy

By J.B. Dalton, D.J. Bove, and C.S. Mladinich

thumbnail image of the report's cover

The northern part of the Animas River watershed in southwestern Colorado is the site of a coordinated effort by several Federal, State, and local agencies to characterize the extent and severity of environmental effects from drainage from sites of inactive mines. As part of studies by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was contracted to acquire AVIRIS data over the San Juan Mountains and Animas River watershed. Methods of infrared spectral analysis developed at the USGS Denver Spectroscopy Laboratory were applied to characterize the surface distribution of a number of materials. AVIRIS mineral maps have been used in conjunction with many other studies to determine the relative extent of natural and anthropogenic sources of acidic and metal-bearing surface runoff, and their effect on water quality.


This report is published here as a PDF, suitable for printing and reading as well as accessible as defined in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Amendments of 1998. The georeferenced images provided as illustrations in the text report PDF are selected portions of much larger images and are provided solely for orientation and descriptive purposes, to accompany the text discussion. The full images (covering the full study area) are also available in both georeferenced TIFF format and PDF format. Please refer to the separate directories of digital files for full image resolution and any detailed analysis. The georeferenced TIFF images are intended to be suitable for importing to standard GIS software such as ARC/INFO, or a display program such as Adobe Photoshop, xv, or Graphic Converter. Note: Among the TIFF and PDF images, “gs” refers to grayscale background. Group1 images (Iron Oxide Family) and key1 are referenced to figure 13 in the text report; group2 images (Alteration Family) and key2 are referenced to figure 14; group3 (Snow and Vegetation) and key3 to figure 15; group4 (Minerals Associated with Acid Generation) and key4 to figure 16; group5 (Calcite-Epidote-Chlorite-Sericite) and key5 to figure 17. The Landsat Thematic Mapper image (animasTM.tif and .pdf) is the image used for figure 1 in the text report; it does not have georeferenced attributes but is included for completeness.

Version 1.0

Posted November 2005

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Group 1
(Iron Oxide Family)
thumbnail portion of Iron Oxide Family


thumbnail portion of group 1 grayscale image


thumbnail portion of Key 1
Group 2
(Alteration Family)
thumbnail portion of Iron Oxide Family


thumbnail portion of group 2 grayscale image


thumbnail portion of Key 2
Group 3
(Snow and Vegetation)
thumbnail portion of Iron Oxide Family


thumbnail portion of group 3 grayscale image


thumbnail portion of Key 3
Group 4
(Minerals Associated
with Acid Generation)
thumbnail portion of Iron Oxide Family


thumbnail portion of group 4 grayscale image


thumbnail portion of Key 4
Group 5
thumbnail portion of Iron Oxide Family


thumbnail portion of group 5 grayscale image


thumbnail portion of Key 5
Landsat Thematic Mapper
thumbnail portion of Landsat Thematic Mapper logo  Take Pride in America button