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23 records match your search on "Expenditures" - Showing 1 to 10
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Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (Website)

Organization(s):  Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS

The Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAPs) are used in determining the amount of Federal matching funds for State expenditures for assistance payments for certain social services, and State medical and medical insurance expenditures. The Social Security Act requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to calculate and publish the FMAPs each year. For historical purposes, this web site lists recent FMAPs as well.

Published:  November, 2007

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), Fiscal Year 2008 (Report)

Organization(s):  Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS

The Federal Medical Assistance Percentages and Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages are calculated pursuant to the Social Security Act (the Act). These percentages will be effective from October 1 through September 30 of the indicated year. The "Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" and "Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" are used in determining the amount of Federal matching for State medical assistance (Medicaid) and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) expenditures, and Foster Care Maintenance and Adoption Assistance payments. Figures are given for each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Published:  November, 2006

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


The Effects of Welfare and IDA Program Rules on Asset Holdings of Low-Income Families (Report)

Author(s):  Signe-Mary McKernan, Caroline Ratcliffe, Yunju Nam

Organization(s):  Urban Institute

This report examines the effects of a comprehensive set of 13 welfare, food stamp, individual development account (IDA), earned income tax credit (EITC), and minimum wage program rules on the asset holdings of low-education, single mothers and families. (Low-education was used as a proxy for low-income and address fluctuations in income over time.) More specifically, this original analysis of extant data examines the effects of varying asset limits across state TANF programs, treatment of different types of assets, and state efforts to encourage asset accumulation among TANF recipients.

Published:  September, 2007

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version  Executive Summary  PDF Executive Summary 


Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), Fiscal Year 2007 (Report)

Organization(s):  Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS

The Federal Medical Assistance Percentages and Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages are calculated pursuant to the Social Security Act (the Act). These percentages will be effective from October 1 through September 30 of the indicated year. The "Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" and "Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" are used in determining the amount of Federal matching for State medical assistance (Medicaid) and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) expenditures, and Foster Care Maintenance and Adoption Assistance payments. Figures are given for each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Published:  November, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Long-Term Growth of Medical Expenditures – Public and Private (Issue Brief)

Author(s):  ASPE

As the population of the United States ages, it will consume more health care. Older people suffer diseases and other medical problems to a greater extent than younger people. And with health care prices continuing to rise much faster than other goods and services, the use and societal cost of health care is expected to soar in the future. Steps to moderate the growth of health care prices and increase efficiency and effectiveness of health care delivery are essential to moderating the economic burden that future health care costs are likely to impose.

Published:  May, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Spending on Social Welfare Programs in Rich and Poor States: (Report)

Organization(s):  The Lewin Group and the Rockefeller Institute

This project, which resulted in both a key highlights issue brief and a full report, examines how a state's ability to fund social welfare programs affects its state spending choices on programs to support low-income populations. The project includes a two-part study of state spending on social services. The first part uses existing data sources to build a multi-variate, fifty-state model to examine social welfare spending choices made by states at different points in time. In the second part of the study, additional information is gathered through site visits to a half-dozen of the poorest states to develop a more detailed analysis of the spending decisions relating to social welfare programs.

Published:  June, 2004

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version  Research Summary  PDF Research Summary  Executive Summary 


Securing the Benefits of Medical Innovation for Seniors: (Report)
The Role of Prescription Drugs and Drug Coverage

This report examines the consequences to medical innovation and overall health posed by attempts to contain drug expenditures by implementing government controls.

Published:  July, 2002

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Effects of Congressional Proposals on Prescription Drug Costs for Medicare Beneficiaries (Policy Brief)

Author(s):  ASPE

Published:  June, 2002

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Factors Driving Pharmaceutical Expenditures: (Report)
An Overview

Author(s):  Ernst R. Brendt

Organization(s):  MIT and NBER

Published:  August, 2000

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


Welfare Leavers and Medicaid Dynamics: Five States in 1995 (Report)
Final Report

Author(s):  Marilyn Ellwood and Carol Irvin

Organization(s):  Mathematica Policy Research

This study builds on previous research by examining the relationship between Medicaid expenditure levels for people leaving welfare and the likelihood of continued Medicaid enrollment for five states in 1995.

Published:  April, 2000

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Executive Summary 

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Last Revised:  October 17, 2007

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