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Event guam: ZIP Map | Additional Maps and Data | Did you feel it? Tell us! | Statistics

OMB No. 1028-0048
Expires 10/31/2005






You can help provide information about the extent of shaking and damage for earthquakes in the United States, and you may provide specific details about how your area may respond to future earthquakes.

USGS scientists may use the information you enter in this form to provide qualitative, quantitative, or graphical descriptions of damage in USGS publications. If you would object to this possible usage of your data, please do not fill out this form.

Finally, please consider filling out a questionnaire for other historic events that occurred in your region. After submitting this form, go to the archives to see other events.

Your ZIP code is REQUIRED! All other identifiers (name, e-mail, phone, and location) are optional, but we need your ZIP code to locate the intensity in your area. The other data may be useful for more accurate location of felt areas.

Near Guam
AUG 8 1993 08:34:25 GMT

- Please make sure you are filling out this form for the right event. -

For other events or historic events, or to view other regions, go to the archives. To report an event not yet in our database, go to the New or unknown event questionnaire.

Identifying information (optional):


Your location when the earthquake occurred:

Street Address:        
Nearest Cross Street:
*Zip code:                 
*A US zip code is REQUIRED to be on the map. If you don't know your zip code at the time of the earthquake, look it up.
We cannot take Canadian postal codes at this time. If you were in Canada at the time of the event, please go to the Canadian Geological Survey.

While answering all these questions is optional, we encourage you to fill out as many as possible so we can provide a more accurate inte nsity estimate.

What was your situation during the earthquake?

If you were inside please select the type of building or structure:
If other, please describe:

Were you asleep during the earthquake?

Did you feel the earthquake? (If you were asleep, did the earthquake wake you up?)
No Yes

Did others nearby feel the earthquake?

Your experience of the earthquake:

How would you best describe the ground shaking?
About how many seconds did the shaking last?
How would you best describe your reaction?
How did you respond? (Select one)
If other, please describe:
Was it difficult to stand or walk?

Earthquake effects:

Did you notice the swinging/swaying of doors or hanging objects?
Did you notice creaking or other noises?
Did objects rattle, topple over, or fall off shelves?
Did pictures on walls move or get knocked askew?
Did any furniture or appliances slide, tip over, or become displaced?
Was a heavy appliance (refrigerator or range) affected?
Were free-standing walls or fences damaged?

If you were inside, was there any damage to the building? Check all that apply.
No damage
Hairline cracks in walls
A few large cracks in walls
Many large cracks in walls
Ceiling tiles or lighting fixtures fell
Cracks in chimney
One or several cracked windows
Many windows cracked or some broken out
Masonry fell from block or brick wall(s)
Old chimney, major damage or fell down
Modern chimney, major damage or fell down
Outside wall(s) tilted over or collapsed completely
Separation of porch, balcony, or other addition from building
Building permanently shifted over foundation

If you know the type of building (wood, brick, etc.) and/or your location (which story, basement, penthouse, etc.) please indicate here:
Additional Comments: You may use the next box to clarify answers or to make observations that are not accommodated by other questions. You may also use the following box to give first-person descriptions of how the earthquake affected you. USGS scientists may use some of the information that you enter in qualitative descriptions of shaking or damage in USGS publications. You would be identified as "an observer" and your location would be given in general terms. Parts of some first-person accounts may be reproduced as quotations in USGS publications.


To submit your completed form, press this button:

Be sure you are filling out the right event!
Near Guam  AUG 8 1993  08:34:25 GMT

Click here to clear the entire form and start over:


Thank you for completing this form. Please report any problems or corrections via the comment form. Information on this page last reviewed Feb. 11, 2003.
General Disclaimer.

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
This information is being collected to supplement instrumental data, and to promote public safety through a better understanding of earthquakes. Response to this request is voluntary. No action may be taken against you for refusing to supply the information requested. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 6 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Comments regarding this collection of information should be directed to - Bureau Clearance Officer, U.S. Geological Survery, 807 National Center, Reston, VA, 20192

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Community Internet Intensity Maps <>
Maintained by: CIIM working group
Last modified 8.18.2005

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