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4 records match your search on "Violence" - Showing 1 to 4

Exploring Community Responses to Statutory Rape (Report)
Final Report

Author(s):  Michael Fishman, Karen Gardiner, and Asaph Glosser

Organization(s):  The Lewin Group

This report summarizes nine case studies by The Lewin Group that explore how states and communities are responding to statutory rape. Exploratory site visits suggest that addressing and preventing these unequal partnerships is difficult to accomplish by any single program or governmental agency. Instead, a range of service providers and governmental entities are involved, including health care providers, educators, law enforcement personnel, and advocates associated with sexual violence or rape crisis centers. The study design explores how organizations within states and communities are working together in various ways to approach the issue of statutory rape.

Published:  September, 2006

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Statutory Rape: A Guide to State Laws and Reporting Requirements (Report)

Author(s):  Michael Fishman, Karen Gardner, and Asaph Glosser

Organization(s):  The Lewin Group

This report is a compilation of state laws and reporting requirements. It provides an overview of state statutory rape laws and reporting requirements, as well as a summary of laws for each state and the District of Columbia. It is designed to provide useful information to state and federal policymakers who are interested in how state statutes address statutory rape. It also is intended to serve as a resource for HHS grantees. To understand if statutory rape has occurred and whether it should be reported (and to whom), program staff and policy makers need to be familiar with two sets of laws:  criminal and civil codes. The former deals with the legality of sexual activities involving minors, while the latter describes individuals’ reporting responsibilities. In short, there is no “one size fits all” law that guides the identification and reporting of statutory rape. Rather, there is wide variation in state codes. What is a reportable offense in one state may be outside the purview of law enforcement or child protective services in another.

Published:  December, 2004

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version  Executive Summary 


Teen Risk-Taking: (Report)
A Statistical Portrait

Author(s):  Laura Duberstein Lindberg, Scott Boggess, Laura Porter, and Sean Williams

Organization(s):  Urban Institute

This booklet provides a statistical portrait of teen participation in 10 of the most prevalent risk behaviors. It focuses on the overall participation in each behavior and in multiple risk-taking. The booklet presents the overall incidence and patterns of teen involvement in the following risk behaviors: regular alcohol use, regular binge drinking, regular tobacco use, marijuana use, other illegal drug use, fighting, weapon carrying, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, and risky sexual activity.

Published:  June, 2000

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Building and Sustaining Community Partnerships for Teen Pregnancy Prevention: (Report)
A Working Paper

Author(s):  Sharon Lovick Edwards and Renee Freedman Stern

Organization(s):  Cornerstone Consulting Group

This working paper reviews an extensive literature of various partnership relationships designed to produce change in a range of topical areas. Many of the problems addressed were associated with teenage risk-taking behaviors. The examination considered research in the fields of violence prevention, substance abuse prevention, teenage pregnancy prevention, youth development, community development, environmental protection, and general business enterprises. The report provides an overview of the literature on partnerships and informs the development of future community partnerships to prevent teen pregnancy.

Published:  June, 1998

Availability:  Full HTML Version 

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Last Revised:  October 17, 2007

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