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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ETA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 655  

Temporary Employment of Aliens In the United States




Subpart J  

Attestations by Employers Using F-1 Students in Off-Campus Work

20 CFR 655.910 - Overview of process.

  • Section Number: 655.910
  • Section Name: Overview of process.

    This section provides a context for the attestation process to 

facilitate understanding by employers that seek to employ F-1 students 

in off-campus work.

    (a) Department of Labor's responsibilities. The Department of Labor 

(DOL) administers the attestation process. Within DOL, the Employment 

and Training Administration (ETA) shall have responsibility for 

accepting and filing employer attestations on behalf of F-1 students; 

the Employment Standards Administration (ESA) shall be responsible for 

conducting any investigations concerning such attestations.

    (b) Employer attestation responsibilities. Prior to hiring any F-1 

student(s) for off-campus employment, an employer must submit an 

attestation on Form ETA-9034, as described in Sec. 655.940 of this part, 

to the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) of DOL at the 

address set forth at Sec. 655.930 of this part.

    (1) The attesting employer shall file the attestation with the 

Designated School Official (DSO) of each educational institution from 

which it seeks to hire F-1 students. If the employer is filing the 

attestation with the DSO simultaneously to filing it with DOL, or prior 

to DOL's accepting it, the employer must provide the DSO with a copy of 

the accepted attestation within 15 days after receiving the attestation 

from DOL.

    (2)(i) Each attestation shall be valid through September 30, 1996. 

Throughout the validity period of the attestation, the employer may hire 

F-1 students as needed, during the 90-day period immediately following 

each 60-day recruitment period, for the positions specified on Form ETA-

9034, at the required wage rate, from any educational institution in the 

geographic area of intended employment. In order to employ F-1 students 

in any occupation(s) different from the occupation(s) specified in the 

attestation, the employer shall file a new attestation with ETA.

    (ii) The employer shall have the burden of proving the truthfulness 

and accuracy of each attestation element in the event that such 

attestation element is challenged in an investigation.

    (iii) Substantiating documentation in support of each attestation 

element must be maintained by the employer and shall be made available 

to DOL for inspection and copying upon request. If the employer 

maintains the specific

documentation recommended in appendix A of this subpart, and the 

documentation is found to be truthful, accurate, and substantiates 

compliance, it shall meet the burden of proof. If the employer chooses 

to support its attestation in a manner other than in accordance with 

appendix A of this subpart, the employer's documentation must be of 

equal probative value to that shown in appendix A of this subpart in the 

event of an investigation.

    (c) Designated School Official (DSO) responsibilities. The 

Department notes that the basic responsibilities of the DSO are outlined 

in INS regulations at 8 CFR 214.2(f).

    (1) DOL understands INS regulations to mean that the DSO at the 

educational institution is expected to assure that, prior to authorizing 

the off-campus employment of any F-1 student(s):

    (i) It has received an attestation from the prospective employer;

    (ii) The prospective employer has not been disqualified from 

participation in the F-1 student work authorization program (Employers 

disqualified from participation in the program are listed in the Federal 

Register. See Sec. 655.950(b) of this part); and

    (iii) The F-1 student(s) has completed one year of study and is 

maintaining good academic standing at the institution.

    (2) It is also understood that the DSO will not authorize F-1 

student(s) to work in excess of 20 hours per week during the academic 

term, and that the DSO shall notify ETA when the employer of F-1 

student(s) has not provided the educational institution with an accepted 

copy of the attestation within 90 days of its receipt of the attestation 

from the employer.

    (d) Complaints. (1) Complaints alleging that an attestation is 

materially false or that wages were not paid in accordance with the 

attestation may be filed by any aggrieved party with the Wage and Hour 

Division (Administrator), of the Employment Standards Administration, 

DOL, according to the procedures set forth in subpart K of this part.

    (i) Examples of violations that may be alleged in a complaint 


    (A) The employer failed to pay an F-1 student the prevailing wage 

for the occupation in the area of intended employment;

    (B) The employer failed to pay the actual wage for the position(s) 

at the employer's place of business; or

    (C) The employer's recruitment efforts demonstrated that qualified 

U.S. workers were available for the position(s) filled by F-1 students.

    (ii) The Administrator shall review the allegations contained in the 

complaint to determine if there are reasonable grounds to conduct an 

investigation. If, after investigation, the Administrator finds a 

violation, the Administrator shall disqualify the employer (after notice 

and opportunity for a hearing) from employing F-1 students and shall so 

notify INS.

    (2) Complaints alleging that an F-1 student is not maintaining the 

required academic standing or is working in excess of the authorized 

number of hours of employment per week shall be filed with the INS.

    (e) Termination of program. The pilot F-1 student visa program of 

section 221 of the Immigration Act of 1990 expires after September 30, 

1996, and the Department of Labor will not accept any further employer 

attestations after that date. 8 U.S.C. 1184 note. However, complaints 

and appeals arising out of actions occurring prior to September 30, 

1996, will continue to be received, investigated, and processed under 

the standards and procedures of subparts J and K of this part. 

Therefore, subparts J and K of this part remain in effect through the 

completion of such enforcement.

[56 FR 56865, 56876, Nov. 6, 1991, as amended at 59 FR 64777, Dec. 15, 

1994; 60 FR 61210, 61211, Nov. 29, 1995]
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