OEA Ambient Air Monitoring | Region 10 | US EPA

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EPA Region 10 Ambient Air Monitoring Program
EPA, Region 10 has over the past few years invested in building a repository of particulate and meteorological ambient air monitoring equipment. This equipment purchased is intended to augment the available monitoring choices available to government agencies within the Pacific Northwest. Region 10 believes that the ability to deploy the proper sampling equipment in emergency response situations is crucial. We also believe that it is important to have available the proper equipment to conduct non-emergency special monitoring studies. The monitoring equipment purchased and maintained by Region 10 are portable, battery-operated instruments that have the capability to fill gaps in the stationary monitoring networks presently being operated by the State, Local, and Tribal monitoring agencies. Examples situations where our equipment could have been and would be very useful in filling monitoring gaps include the New Clarissa grounding in February 1999, yearly agricutural burns, forest fires, as well as the recent volcanic activity from Mt. St. Helens.

Met-One E-BAM Mass Monitor

Picture of Beta attenuation air samplerThe E-BAM is a portable, real-time beta attenuation gauge monitor for particulate sampling. The design of the E-BAM impactor chamber is similar to that of Federal reference methods. This sampler is lightweigh and can be assembled in a few minutes. It will operated on both AC and DC power sources. Presently, EPA Region 10 has four E-BAM monitors. Accessories include both an ambient temperature and barometric pressure sensors.
In addition Region 10 has purchased satellite transmitters for each of these units allowing for remote access to the E-BAM data via the internet. Additionally data can be downloaded on-site via a computer or PDA.

Brochure and Technical Specifications
Airmetrics Minivol Portable Air Sampler

picture of AirMetrics minvol air samplerThese samplers are highly portable, battery-operated particulate samplers (PM2.5, PM10 and TSP). They are designed to operate at 5 liters/min and accurately replicate the EPA Federal Reference Monitors. The minivols are designed to be hung in hanging brackets which are attached to poles or portable tripod assemblies.

Currently EPA Region 10 has 24 samplers, 48 filter assemblies, 48 batteries, 12 pole mounting assemblies, and four 2-meter free-standing tripods.

Technical specifications
Coastal Environmental Weatherpak Portable Weather Station

picture of Coastal Environmental Weatherpak portable meteorological stationThe Weatherpak weather stations owned by Region 10 include a sonic wind speed and directional sensor, plus temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and barometric pressure sensors. These sensors are mounted onto a tripod tower for a measurement height of 3 meters. The Weatherpak operates off of DC power and carries 1Mb of memory. Data is downloaded via an RS-232 port to either a computer or PDA.

Currently Region 10 has two Weatherpak weather stations.

Technical Specifications
Met-One TOX Toxic Sampler (similar SASS sampler shown in picture)

picture of Met One Speciation air samplerThe TOX sampler has 12 channels, four dedicated to stainless steel canister sampling, four for low flow (0.05-1.0 liters/min) and four for high flow sampling (1-5 liters/min). The sampler can programmed to run from 1 minute to 24 hours and can be set for up to 50 sequential runs. Data is downloaded via an RS-232 port to either a computer or PDA.

Applications include: Dioxins; Stainless steel canister (e.g., SUMMA) sampling; Filter Sampling for particulates; PUF sampling; Pesticides; Thermal desorption tubes for volitile and semi-volatile organic compounds; and, Sorbent tube sampling via NIOSH/OSHA methods (used for collecting hazardous gases and vapors).

Currently Region 10 has one TOX sampler but we do not have any sampling media other than a small cache of SUMMA canisters located at our regional lab.
Gas Samplers

TEI 42C-TL NOx/NOy precursor monitor
TEI 43C-TLE SO2 precursor monitor
TEI 49C Ozone monitor

Currently Region 10 has one each of these samplers.

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URL: http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/oea.nsf/Monitoring/OEA+Air+Monitoring

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