Environmental Justice Contacts | Region 10 | US EPA

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Environmental Justice Contacts

National Information
Environmental Justice Coordinators

Running-Grass (grass.running@epa.gov) – Office of Ecosystems, Tribal and Public Affairs - Environmental Justice Program Manager (206) 553-2899

Judith Leckrone Lee (lee.judith@epa.gov) - Office of Ecosystems, Tribal and Public Affairs - Manager, Ecosystem and Community Health Unit (206) 553-6911

Environmental Justice Program Contacts

Victoria Plata (plata.victoria@epa.gov) – Office of Management and Planning – Equal Employment Opportunity/ Environmental Justice Grants (206) 553-8580

Tracy Bier (bier.tracy@epa.gov)– Office of Water and Wetlands, Drinking Water Unit (206) 553-1600

Don Dossett (dossett.donald@epa.gov) – Office of Compliance and Enforcement - Program Management Unit (206) 553-1783

Bob Hartman (hartman.bob@epa.gov) – Office of Regional Counsel - Multi-Media Unit (206) 553-0029

Joanne Moore (moore.joanne@epa.gov) – Office of Environmental Cleanup - Program Management Unit (206) 553-0310

Jan Palumbo (palumbo.jan@epa.gov) – Office of Air, Waste and Toxics - RCRA Corrective Action and Permits Team (206) 553-6702

Joseph Sarcone (sarcone.joseph@epa.gov)– Alaska Operations Office, Rural Sanitation Coordinator (907) 271-1316

Tim Siwiec (siwiec.tim@epa.gov) – Office of Environmental Assessment - Technical Support Unit (206) 553-2147

Suzanne Skadowski (skadowski.suzanne@epa.gov) – Office of Ecosystems, Tribal and Public Affairs - Community Involvement and Public Information Unit (206) 553-6689

Ashley Zanolli (zanolli.ashley@epa.gov) – Office of Air, Waste and Toxics - Air Program (206) 553-4425

Jim Zokan (zokan.jim@epa.gov) – Office of Ecosystems, Tribal and Public Affairs - Tribal Trust and Assistance Unit (Idaho) (208) 378-5691

Local Navigation

URL: http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/ocrej.nsf/Environmental+Justice/EJ-Contacts

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