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Innovative Solutions

    Sustainability is a new way of thinking about an age-old concern: ensuring that our children and grandchildren inherit a tomorrow that is at least as good as today, preferably better. We want to make sure that the way we live our lives is sustainable - that it can continue and keep improving for a long, long time.
Photo of whale tale and text - Sustainability
Performance Track
    Performance Track is a public/private partnership recognizing top environmental performance among participating U.S. facilities of all types, sizes, and complexity, public and private.
National Environmental Performance Track Logo
Pollution Prevention
    Our aim is to improve existing environmental programs and create new, innovative programs and approaches to encourage businesses, governments, and individuals to prevent pollution and efficiently use energy and natural resources.
P2 Evergreen Award Logo
Water Quality Trading Projects
    Water Quality Trading is an innovative way for water quality agencies and community stakeholders to develop cost-effective solutions to address water quality problems in their watersheds. Links to information on the Lower Boise Project.
Photo of Lower Boise River - Effluent Trading Page Link
Evergreen Award
    EPA Region 10's Evergreen Award for Pollution Prevention recognizes outstanding pollution prevention efforts within all sectors of the greater Pacific Northwest business community.

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