Denali National Park & Preserve
Long-term Ecological Monitoring Program


Denali National Park and Preserve Long Term Ecological Monitoring Conference, October 24 & 25, 2000 in Fairbanks, Alaska - Web Based CD
To receive a copy of the CD, please contact:
  Conceptual Design of the Long-Term Ecological Monitoring Program for Denali National Park and Preserve. [PDF File - 1.5 MB] (Posted 5/11/00)

Table of Contents

A synthesis of our understanding - About Denali Ecosystems - About Monitoring (Posted July 19, 1999)


The USGS Alaska Biological Science Center conducts research to support the development of the Long-term Ecological Monitoring (LTEM) program at Denali National Park and Preserve. The research program, started in 1992, is supported by annual funding from a national USGS-Biological Resources Division (BRD) Inventory and Monitoring  program.

The overall purpose of this research effort is to work with the Denali National Park and Preserve to develop a long-term ecological monitoring program that is:

  • ecologically relevant,
  • statistically sound,
  • cost-effective, and
  • relevant to park management concerns.

Because the program is being developed as a prototype, our secondary goal is to pass on lessons learned and contribute to the general knowledge of monitoring program development.

What are the Objectives of the Current USGS Research Program?

Research in the period FY 1998-2000 will focus on activities that will help Denali develop measurable objectives related to the broad goals that have been established for the LTEM program. The lack of measurable objectives has confounded development of the program. Further research and testing of specific methods (BRD’s typical role in the development of monitoring programs) will not be overly useful until measurable objectives have been defined.

The other research activities currently underway include:

    1. Continuation of the development and review process for protocols, focusing on vegetation, aquatic invertebrates and small mammals.
    2. Continuation of the effort to integrate data from the LTEM program.
    3. Development of basic cost-benefit information to be incorporated in the program design process.
    4. Continuation of our evaluation of the existing monitoring effort.
    5. Improve internal and external communications about the LTEM program through development of a web page.

For more detailed information on this project, see the study plan. As with all USGS-BRD projects, the study plan has been peer-reviewed.

Who is Being Funded, and What are They Doing?

Much of the work sponsored by the USGS—Alaska Biological Science Center related to the Denali Long-term Ecological Monitoring program is conducted by academic scientists or contractors. We currently have work agreements in place with the following Principal Investigators:

Principal Investigator

Focus of Work


Dr. Leslie A. Viereck
Boreal Pursuits
1707 Red Fox Drive
Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-479-2879 voice
907-479-4127 fax
  • Vegetation Monitoring
Statement of Work
Dr.Lyman McDonald
Dr. Trent McDonald
Western Ecosystems Technology, Inc.
2003 Central Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82001
  • Statistical review
Contract (Sole Source)

Statement of Work

Status: Pending

508 W. Ave., Suite 100
Anchorage, AK 99503
  • Preliminary review of existing Denali LTEM databases and recommendations for next steps in database management/design

Statement of Work

Status: Completed

Dr. Eric Rexstad
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Arctic Biology,
Fairbanks, AK

working with Ed Debevec

Research Work Order #81

Research Proposal
Dr. Alexander Milner
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Arctic Biology,

working with Dr. Sarah Conn
Cooperative Agreement #98WRAG1015

Research Proposal

Dr. Dot J. Helm
University of Alaska Fairbanks,
School of Agriculture and Land Resources Management,
Palmer, AK
Cooperative Agreement #98WRAG1017

Research Proposal

Dr. Glenn Juday
University of Alaska Fairbanks,
School of Agriculture and Land Resources Management,
Fairbanks, Tree-Ring
Laboratory, AK
Cooperative Agreement #98WRAG1016

Research Proposal

Lynne Caughlan
USGS-Midcontinent Ecological Science Center,
Fort Collins, CO
Statement of Work

Recent Deliverables
This section of the web page will be used to post copies of the most recent deliverables received by the USGS Alaska Biological Science Center for work related to the Denali LTEM program.




5/15/99 Sandy Milner
Sarah Conn
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Draft Study Plan
Aquatic Invertebrates and Lotic Communities
4/15/99 Dot J. Helm
University of Alaska
Draft Study Plan Vegetation

Revised Study Plan focusing on 1999 field work
4/99 Eric Rexstad
Ed Debevec
University of Alaska
Power and cost considerations for small mammal monitoring
3/99 Mike Robbins
Data management and database design recommendations (initial)
2/99 Eric Rexstad
Ed Debevec
University of Alaska
Draft Study Plan for Synthesis and Integration: Denali Long-term Ecological Monitoring
2/22/99 Dot J. Helm
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Evaluation of Existing Vegetation Protocols for Denali Long Term Ecological Monitoring
1/19/1999 Eric Rexstad
Ed Debevec
University of Alaska Fairbanks,
Institute of Arctic Biology,
Fairbanks, AK
Scaling up of small mammal research in Denali National Park and Preserve: Extending the Denali Long-term Ecological Monitoring Program
12/7/1998 Eric Rexstad
Ed Debevec
University of Alaska Fairbanks,
Institute of Arctic Biology,
Fairbanks, AK
1998 Annual Report

Small mammal monitoring at the landscape scale and syntheses of monitoring data in Denali National Park and Preserve"

9/30/1998 Lyman McDonald
Trent McDonald
Donna Robertson
WEST, Inc.
2003 Central Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Review of the Denali National Park and Preserve (DENA) Long-term Ecological Monitoring Program (LTEM)
9/30/1998 Dana Hoag
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Denali National Park and Preserve, Long-Term Monitoring Program (a review)


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For further information about USGS research related to the Denali LTEM program,
please contact the Principal Investigator:

Karen Oakley
USGS Alaska Biological Science Center
1011 E. Tudor Rd.
Anchorage, AK 99503
907-786-3636 fax

Entrance For Denali LTEM Program Principal Investigators

Last Reviewed: