The file CAAA.EXE is an archive file. Copy it onto your hard drive and enter CAAA. The file will un-archive to about 1.3 MB, so be sure you have almost 2 MB on your hard drive when you start. The page numbers match the Conference Report. To go to a page in WordPerfect, enter Control-Home page number. If your page numbers do not match the conference report, change the top/bottom or left/right margins to almost no margin. If that does not work go to the table on or about page 141 and insert a small font before that table and a normal font afterwards. With a little work, the pages will match. To improve WordPerfect's speed, divide the amendments into separate files. To get a copy of the conference report, send a note to: Senate Document Room B04 Hart Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Ask for the conference report for the Clean Air Act 101-952. Use your home address and send a return label.