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Effects of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOS) on Ground Water Quality


This research focuses on the potential for ground water contamination from swine CAFOs in Oklahoma. Three CAFOs have been selected for study, including a new farrowing sow operation, an existing nursery operation, and a closed combined facility. For the sow and combined facilities, ground water samples were simply obtained from existing wells and analyzed for standard water quality indices as well as total organic carbon, nutrients, cations/metals, pharmaceutical chemicals, estrogens, and pathogen indicator organisms. The nursery field site study was much more extensive, and site characterization included core acquisition and logging, geoprobe electrical conductivity logging, completion and monitoring of numerous cluster wells, stable isotope studies, slug testing, and other activities over the three-year monitoring period. Data from this well-characterized site will be used to develop a ground water flow model. Results from all of these studies will be used to determine whether ground water aquifers are at risk, and to develop sound risk management strategies for sustainable development.

Contact: Stephen R. Hutchins, USEPA, (EIMS#116550)

Office of Research & Development | National Risk Management Research Laboratory

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