[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 17]
[Revised as of July 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR86.529-78]

[Page 682-683]
ENGINES--Table of Contents
Subpart F_Emission Regulations for 1978 and Later New Motorcycles; Test 
Sec. 86.529-78  Road load force and inertia weight determination.

    (a) Road load as a function of speed is given by the following 

F = A + CV \2\

The values for coefficients A and C and the test inertia are given in 
Figure F78-9. Velocity (V) is in km/h and force (F) is in newtons. The 
forces given by this equation shall be simulated to the best ability of 
the equipment being used.
    (b) The inertia given in Figure F78-9 shall be used. Motorcycles 
with loaded vehicle mass outside these limits shall be tested at an 
equivalent inertial mass and road load force specified by the 

                                                  Figure F78-9
                                            Force coefficients                      70 to 60 kn/h coastdown
                                         ------------------------                      calibration times
                              Equivalent                           Force at  -----------------------------------
  Loaded vehicle mass (kg)     inertial                             65 km/h                 Allowable tolerance
                               mass (kg)    A (nt)    C (nt/(km/     (nt)       Target   -----------------------
                                                        h) \2\)               time (sec)    Longest    Shortest
                                                                                          time (sec)  time (sec)
95-105......................         100         0.0       0.224        94.8        2.95         3.1         2.8
106-115.....................         110        0.82       .0227        96.8        3.18         3.3         3.0
116-125.....................         120        1.70       .0230        98.8        3.39         3.6         3.2
126-135.....................         130        2.57       .0233       100.9        3.60         3.8         3.4
136-145.....................         140        3.44       .0235       102.9        3.80         4.0         3.6
146-155.....................         150        4.32       0.230       104.9        3.99         4.2         3.8
156-165.....................         160        5.19       .0241       107.0        4.10         4.4         4.0
166-175.....................         170        6.06       .0244       109.0        4.36         4.6         4.2
176-185.....................         180        6.94       .0246       111.0        4.53         4.7         4.3
186-195.....................         190        7.81       .0249       113.1        4.69         4.9         4.5
196-205.....................         200        8.69       .0252       115.1        4.85         5.1         4.6
206-215.....................         210        9.56       .0255       117.1        5.00         5.2         4.8
216-225.....................         220       10.43       .0257       119.2        5.15         5.4         4.9
226-235.....................         230       11.31       .0260       121.2        5.30         5.5         5.1
236-245.....................         240       12.18       .0263       123.2        5.43         5.7         5.2
246-255.....................         250       13.06       .0266       125.3        5.57         5.8         5.4
256-265.....................         260       13.93       .0268       127.3        5.70         5.9         5.5
266-275.....................         270       14.80       .0271       129.3        5.82         6.1         5.6
276-285.....................         280       15.68       .0274       131.4        5.95         6.2         5.7
286-295.....................         290       16.55       .0277       133.4        6.06         6.3         5.8
296-305.....................         300       17.43       .0279       135.4        6.18         6.4         6.0
306-315.....................         310       18.39       .0282       137.5        6.29         6.5         6.1
316-325.....................         320       19.17       .0285       139.5        6.40         6.6         6.2
326-335.....................         330       30.05       .0288       141.6        6.50         6.7         6.3
336-345.....................         340       20.92       .0290       143.6        6.60         6.8         6.4
346-355.....................         350       21.80       .0293       145.6        6.70         6.9         6.5
356-365.....................         360       22.67       .0296       147.7        6.80         7.0         6.6
366-375.....................         370       23.54       .0299       149.7        6.89         7.1         6.7
376-385.....................         380       24.42       .0301       151.7        6.98         7.2         6.8

[[Page 683]]

386-395.....................         390       25.29       .0304       153.8        7.07         7.3         6.9
396-405.....................         400       26.17       .0307       155.8        7.16         7.4         6.9
406-415.....................         410       27.04       .0310       157.8        7.24         7.5         7.0
416-425.....................         420       27.91       .0312       159.9        7.33         7.6         7.1
426-435.....................         430       28.79       .0315       161.9        7.41         7.6         7.2
436-445.....................         440       29.66       .0317       163.7        7.49         7.7         7.3
446-455.....................         450       30.54       .0318       164.9        7.61         7.8         7.4
456-465.....................         460       31.41       .0319       166.0        7.73         8.0         7.5
466-475.....................         470       32.28       .0319       167.1        7.84         8.1         7.6
476-485.....................         480       33.16       .0320       168.3        7.95         8.2         7.7
486-495.....................         490       43.03       .0320       169.4        8.06         8.3         7.8
496-505.....................         500       34.90       .0321       170.5        8.17         8.4         7.9
506-515.....................         510       35.78       .0322       171.7        8.28         8.5         8.0
516-525.....................         520       36.65       .0322       172.8        8.39         8.6         8.2
526-535.....................         530       37.53       .0323       173.9        8.49         8.7         8.3
536-545.....................         540       38.40       .0323       175.1        8.60         8.8         8.4
546-555.....................         550       39.27       .0324       176.2        8.70         9.0         8.5
556-565.....................         560       40.15       .0325       177.3        8.80         9.1         8.6
566-575.....................         570       41.02       .0325       178.5        8.90         9.2         8.7
576-585.....................         580       41.90       .0326       179.6        9.00         9.3         8.8
586-595.....................         590       42.77       .0327       180.8        9.10         9.4         8.9
596-605.....................         600       43.64       .0327       181.9        9.19         9.5         8.9
606-615.....................         610       44.52       .0328       183.0        9.29         9.5         9.0
616-625.....................         620       45.39       .0328       184.2        9.38         9.6         9.1
626-635.....................         630       46.27       .0329       185.3        9.47         9.7         9.2
636-645.....................         640       47.14       .0330       186.4        9.56         9.8         9.3
646-655.....................         650       48.01       .0330       187.6        9.65         9.9         9.4
656-665.....................         660       48.89       .0331       188.7        9.74        10.0         9.5
666-675.....................         670       49.76       .0332       189.8        9.83        10.1         9.6
676-685.....................         680       50.64       .0332       191.0        9.92        10.2         9.7
686-695.....................         690       51.91       .0333       192.1       10.01        10.3         9.8
696-705.....................         700       52.38       .0333       193.2       10.09        10.4         9.8
706-715.....................         710       53.26       .0334       194.4       10.17        10.4         9.9
716-725.....................         720       54.13       .0335       195.5       10.26        10.5        10.0
726-735.....................         730       55.01       .0335       196.6       10.34        10.6        10.1
736-745.....................         740       55.88       .0336       197.8       10.42        10.7        10.2
746-755.....................         750       56.75       .0336       198.9       10.50        10.8        10.2
756-760.....................         760       57.63       .0337       200.1       10.58        10.9        10.3

    (c) The dynamometer shall be adjusted to reproduce the specified 
road load as determined by the most recent calibration. Alternatively, 
the actual vehicle road load can be measured and duplicated:
    (1) Make at least 5 replicate coastdowns in each direction from 70 
to 60 km/h on a smooth, level, track under balanced wind conditions. The 
driver must have a mass of 8010 kg and be in the 
normal driving position. Record the coastdown time.
    (2) Average the coastdown times. Adjust the dynamometer load so that 
the coastdown time is duplicated with the vehicle and driver on the 
    (3) Alternate procedures may be used if approved in advance by the 