[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 17]
[Revised as of July 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR86.339-79]

[Page 611-612]
ENGINES--Table of Contents
Subpart D_Emission Regulations for New Gasoline-Fueled and Diesel-Fueled 
           Heavy-Duty Engines; Gaseous Exhaust Test Procedures
Sec. 86.339-79  Pre-test procedures.

    (a) Allow a minimum of 30 minutes warm-up in the stand-by or 
operating mode prior to spanning the analyzers.
    (b) Replace or clean the filter elements and then vacuum leak check 
the system, Sec. 86.328(a). A pressure leak check is also permitted per 
Sec. 86.328(b). Allow the heated sample line, filters, and pumps to 
reach operating temperature.
    (c) Perform the following system checks:
    (1) If a stainless steel NO2 to NO converter is used, 
prior to gasoline-fueled engine tests, purge the converter with air 
(zero-grade air, room air, or O2) for a minimum of 30 
minutes. The converter must be at operational temperature while purging.
    (2) Check the sample-line temperature (see Sec. 86.310).
    (3) Check the system response time (see Sec. 86.329). System 
response time may be applied from the most recent check of response time 
if all of the following are met:
    (i) The flow rate for each flow meter is equal to or greater than 
the flow rate recorded in Sec. 86.329(b)(1)(ii).
    (ii) For analyzers with capillaries, the response time from the 
sample/span valve is measured using in-use pressures and bypass flows 
(see Sec. 86.329(b)(2)).
    (iii) The response time measured in step (ii) is equal to or less 
than the response time determined in Sec. 86.329(b)(2)(vii).
    (4) A hang-up check is permitted.
    (5) A converter-efficiency check is permitted. The check need not 
conform to Sec. 86.332(b). The test procedure may be aborted at this 
point in the procedure in order to repair the NO2 to NO 
converter. If the test is aborted, the converter must pass the 
efficiency check described in Sec. 86.332(b) prior to starting the 
dynamometer test run.
    (d) Introduce the zero-grade gases at the same flow rates and 
pressures used to calibrate the analyzers and zero the

[[Page 612]]

analyzers on the lowest anticipated range that will be used during the 
test. Immediately prior to each test (segment, for Diesel engines), 
obtain a stable zero for each anticipated range that will be used during 
the test.
    (e) Introduce span gases to the instruments under the same flow 
conditions as were used for the zero gases. Adjust the instrument gains 
on the lowest range that will be used to give the desired value. Span 
gases should have a concentration greater than 70 percent of full scale 
for each range used. Immediately prior to each test and also prior to 
each segment of the Diesel test, record the response to the span gas and 
the span-gas concentration for each range that will be used during the 
    (f) Check the zero responses. If they have changed more than 0.5 
percent of full scale, repeat paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section.
    (g) Check system flow rates and pressures. Note the values of gauges 
G3 and G4 for reference during the test.