[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 17]
[Revised as of July 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR86.107-98]

[Page 415-416]
ENGINES--Table of Contents
 Subpart B_Emission Regulations for 1977 and Later Model Year New Light-
Sec. 86.107-98  Sampling and analytical system.

    Section 86.107-98 includes text that specifies requirements that 
differ from Sec. 86.107-96. Where a paragraph in Sec. 86.107-96 is 
identical and applicable to Sec. 86.107-98, this may be indicated by 
specifying the corresponding paragraph and the statement ``[Reserved]. 
For guidance see Sec. 86.107-96.'' Where a corresponding paragraph of 
Sec. 86.107-96 is not applicable, this is indicated by the statement 
    (a)(1)-(a)(3) [Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.107-96.
    (a)(4) Refueling emissions test. The requirements detailed in Sec. 
86.107-90 (a)(1) shall apply. Alternatively, an enclosure meeting the 
specifications detailed in Sec. 86.107-96 (a)(1), (2), or (3) may be 
used if approved in advance by the Administrator. In addition, the 
enclosure shall have one or more access ports leading to flexible, 
automatic sealing boots, in the wall(s) of the enclosure. The function 
of the access port(s) and boots shall be to allow fueling of the test 
vehicle from a fuel nozzle and hose located outside of the enclosure, 
with only the spout of the nozzle passing through the automatic sealing 
opening of the boot during fueling. There shall be no loss in the gas 
tightness of the enclosure at the opening of the boot either when the 
nozzle is inserted or when the nozzle is not inserted.
    (b)-(d) [Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.107-96.
    (e) Temperature recording system--(1) For all emission testing. A 
strip chart potentiometric recorder, an on-line computer system, or 
other suitable means shall be used to record enclosure ambient 
temperature during all evaporative emission test segments, as well

[[Page 416]]

as vehicle fuel tank temperature during the running loss test. The 
recording system shall record each temperature at least once every 
minute. The recording system shall be capable of resolving time to 
15 s and capable of resolving temperature to 
0.75 [deg]F (0.42 [deg]C). 
The temperature recording system (recorder and sensor) shall have an 
accuracy of 3 [deg]F (1.7 
[deg]C). The recorder (data processor) shall have a time accuracy of 
15 s and a precision of 15 
s. Enclosures shall be equipped with two ambient temperature sensors, 
connected to provide one average output, located 3 feet above the floor 
at the approximate mid-length of each side wall of the enclosure and 
within 3 to 12 inches of each side wall. For diurnal emission testing, 
an additional temperature sensor shall be located underneath the vehicle 
to provide a temperature measurement representative of the temperature 
of the air under the fuel tank. For running loss testing, an ambient 
temperature sensor shall be located at the inlet to the fan that 
provides engine cooling. Manufacturers shall arrange that vehicles 
furnished for testing at federal certification facilities be equipped 
with temperature sensors for measurement of fuel tank temperature. 
Vehicles shall be equipped with 2 temperature sensors installed to 
provide an average liquid fuel temperature. The temperature sensors 
shall be placed to measure the temperature at the mid-volume of the 
liquid fuel at a fill level of 40 percent of nominal tank capacity. An 
additional temperature sensor may be placed to measure vapor 
temperatures approximately at the mid-volume of the vapor space, though 
measurement of vapor temperatures is optional during the running loss 
test. In-tank temperature sensors are not required for the supplemental 
two-diurnal test sequence specified in Sec. 86.130-96 or for the 
refueling test specified in Sec. 86.151-98.
    (2) Refueling emission testing only. In addition to the enclosure 
ambient temperature recording system described in paragraph (e)(1) of 
this section, strip chart recorder(s) or automatic data processor shall 
be used to record vehicle soak area ambient temperature and dispensed 
fuel temperature at the nozzle during the test. The temperature 
recorder(s) or data processor shall record each temperature at least 
once every 20 seconds (the soak area ambient temperature recorder may be 
a continuous recording system). The recording system shall be capable of 
resolving time to 15s and be capable of resolving 
temperature to 0.75 [deg]F (0.42 [deg]C).
    (f)-(h)(3) [Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.107-96.
    (h)(4) Refueling emission test. Blowers or fans must have a capacity 
of 0.80.2 cfm per cubic foot of the nominal 
enclosure volume. Circulated air shall not be aimed directly at the 
    (5) Spilled fuel mixing blower; refueling emission test. An 
explosion-proof blower of 100-200 ft3/min (2.8-5.7 
m3/min) capacity is required to enhance mixing of vapors from 
spilled fuel through the enclosure atmosphere during tests. The 
discharge from this blower shall be directed toward the region of the 
enclosure floor where fuel spillage during fueling may occur.
    (i) [Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.107-96.
    (j) Refueling equipment. The refueling equipment shall consist of a 
fuel delivery system with temperature control equipment, fuel flow 
safety switch, dispensing pump, hose, nozzle and a meter to measure the 
dispensed fuel volume. The dispensing nozzle shall be a commercial 
model, not equipped with vapor recovery hardware. A fuel recirculation 
system may be utilized to avoid trapping of unheated fuel in the hose. 
The fuel delivery system must be capable of delivering fuel at 671.5 [deg]F (19.40.8 [deg]C) and a 
constant flow rate between 4.2 and 9.8 gal/min (15.9 and 37.1 liter/min) 
with a tolerance of 0.3 gal/min (1.1 liter/min) during the refueling emissions 
measurement phase of the test. The accuracy of the meter for measuring 
the dispensed fuel volume shall be 2 percent at 
the test flow rate.

[59 FR 16295, Apr. 6, 1994, as amended at 60 FR 43890, Aug. 23, 1995]