[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 17]
[Revised as of July 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR86.098-11]

[Page 375-377]
ENGINES--Table of Contents
Subpart A_General Provisions for Emission Regulations for 1977 and Later 
Sec. 86.098-11  Emission standards for 1998 and later model year diesel 
heavy-duty engines and vehicles.

    (a) Exhaust emissions from new 1998 and later model year diesel 
heavy-duty engines shall not exceed the following:
    (1)(i) Hydrocarbons (for diesel engines fueled with either 
petroleum-fuel or liquefied petroleum gas). 1.3 grams per brake 
horsepower-hour (0.48 gram per megajoule), as measured under transient 
operating conditions.
    (ii) Total Hydrocarbon Equivalent (for methanol-fueled diesel 
engines). 1.3 grams per brake horsepower-hour (0.48 gram per megajoule), 
as measured under transient operating conditions.
    (iii) Nonmethane hydrocarbons (for natural gas-fueled diesel 
engines). 1.2 grams per brake horsepower-hour (0.45 gram per megajoule), 
as measured under transient operating conditions.
    (2) Carbon monoxide. (i) 15.5 grams per brake horsepower-hour (5.77 
grams per megajoule), as measured under transient operating conditions.
    (ii) 0.50 percent of exhaust gas flow at curb idle (methanol-, 
natural gas-, and liquefied petroleum gas-fueled diesel only).
    (3) Oxides of Nitrogen. (i) 4.0 grams per brake horsepower-hour 
(1.49 grams per megajoule), as measured under transient operating 
    (ii) A manufacturer may elect to include any or all of its diesel 
HDE families in any or all of the NOX or NOX plus 
NMHC ABT programs for HDEs, within the restrictions described in Sec. 
86.098-15 as applicable. If the manufacturer elects to include engine 
families in any of these programs, the NOX FELs may not 
exceed 5.0 grams per brake horsepower-hour (1.9 grams per megajoule). 
This ceiling value applies whether credits for the family are derived 
from averaging, trading or banking programs.
    (4) Particulate. (i) For diesel engines to be used in urban buses, 
0.05 gram per brake horsepower-hour (0.019 gram per megajoule) for 
certification testing and selective enforcement audit testing, and 0.07 
gram per brake horsepower-hour (0.026 gram per megajoule) for in-use 
testing, as measured under transient operating conditions.
    (ii) For all other diesel engines only, 0.10 gram per brake 
horsepower-hour (0.037 gram per megajoule), as measured under transient 
operating conditions.
    (iii) A manufacturer may elect to include any or all of its diesel 
HDE families in any or all of the particulate ABT programs for HDEs, 
within the restrictions described in Sec. 86.098-15 as applicable. If 
the manufacturer elects to include engine families in any of these

[[Page 376]]

programs, the particulate FEL may not exceed:
    (A) For engine families intended for use in urban buses, 0.25 gram 
per brake horsepower-hour (0.093 gram per megajoule).
    (B) For engine families not intended for use in urban buses, 0.60 
gram per brake horsepower-hour (0.22 gram per megajoule).
    (C) The ceiling values in paragraphs (a)(4)(iii) (A) and (B) of this 
section apply whether credits for the family are derived from averaging, 
trading or banking programs.
    (b)(1) The opacity of smoke emission from new 1998 and later model 
year diesel heavy-duty engine shall not exceed:
    (i) 20 percent during the engine acceleration mode.
    (ii) 15 percent during the engine lugging mode.
    (iii) 50 percent during the peaks in either mode.
    (2) The standards set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this section 
refer to exhaust smoke emissions generated under the conditions set 
forth in subpart I of this part and measured and calculated in 
accordance with those procedures.
    (3) Evaporative emissions (total of non-oxygenated hydrocarbons plus 
methanol) from heavy-duty vehicles equipped with methanol-fueled diesel 
engines shall not exceed the following standards. The standards apply 
equally to certification and in-use vehicles. The spitback standard also 
applies to newly assembled vehicles.
    (i) For vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of up to 14,000 
    (A)(1) For the full three-diurnal test sequence described in Sec. 
86.1230-96, diurnal plus hot soak measurements: 3.0 grams per test.
    (2) For the supplemental two-diurnal test sequence described in 
Sec. 86.1230-96, diurnal plus hot soak measurements: 3.5 grams per 
    (B) Running loss test: 0.05 grams per mile.
    (C) Fuel dispensing spitback test: 1.0 gram per test.
    (ii) For vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of greater than 
14,000 lbs:
    (A)(1) For the full three-diurnal test sequence described in Sec. 
86.1230-96, diurnal plus hot soak measurements: 4.0 grams per test.
    (2) For the supplemental two-diurnal test sequence described in 
Sec. 86.1230-96, diurnal plus hot soak measurements: 4.5 grams per 
    (B) Running loss test: 0.05 grams per mile.
    (iii)(A) For vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of up to 
26,000 lbs, the standards set forth in paragraph (b)(3) of this section 
refer to a composite sample of evaporative emissions collected under the 
conditions and measured in accordance with the procedures set forth in 
subpart M of this part. For certification vehicles only, manufacturers 
may conduct testing to quantify a level of nonfuel background emissions 
for an individual test vehicle. Such a demonstration must include a 
description of the source(s) of emissions and an estimated decay rate. 
The demonstrated level of nonfuel background emissions may be subtracted 
from emission test results from certification vehicles if approved in 
advance by the Administrator.
    (B) For vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of greater than 
26,000 lbs., the standards set forth in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this 
section refer to the manufacturer's engineering design evaluation using 
good engineering practice (a statement of which is required in Sec. 
    (iv) All fuel vapor generated during in-use operations shall be 
routed exclusively to the evaporative control system (e.g., either 
canister or engine purge). The only exception to this requirement shall 
be for emergencies.
    (v)(A) At least 90 percent of a manufacturer's sales of 1998 model 
year heavy-duty vehicles equipped with methanol-fueled diesel engines 
shall not exceed the standards described in paragraph (b)(3) of this 
section. The remaining vehicles shall be subject to the standards 
described in Sec. 86.094-11(b)(3). All 1999 model year and later heavy-
duty vehicles equipped with methanol-fueled diesel engines shall not 
exceed the standards described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
    (B) Optionally, 90 percent of a manufacturer's combined sales of 
1998 model year gasoline- and methanol-fueled light-duty vehicles, 
light-duty trucks,

[[Page 377]]

and heavy-duty vehicles shall not exceed the applicable standards.
    (C) Small volume manufacturers, as defined in Sec. 86.092-14(b) (1) 
and (2), are exempt from the phase-in described in paragraph 
(b)(3)(v)(A) of this section. For small volume manufacturers, the 
standards of Sec. 86.094-11(b)(3), and the associated test procedures, 
apply for the 1998 model year. Beginning in the 1999 model year, 100 
percent compliance with the standards of this section is required. This 
exemption does not apply to small volume engine families as defined in 
Sec. 86.092-14(b)(5).
    (4) Evaporative emissions from 1998 and later model year heavy-duty 
vehicles equipped with natural gas-fueled or liquefied petroleum gas-
fueled heavy-duty engines shall not exceed the following standards. The 
standards apply equally to certification and in-use vehicles.
    (i) For vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of up to 14,000 
pounds for the full three-diurnal test sequence described in Sec. 
86.1230-96, diurnal plus hot soak measurements: 3.0 grams per test.
    (ii) For vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of greater than 
14,000 pounds for the full three-diurnal test sequence described in 
Sec. 86.1230-96, diurnal plus hot soak measurements: 4.0 grams per 
    (iii)(A) For vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of up to 
26,000 pounds, the standards set forth in paragraph (b)(4) of this 
section refer to a composite sample of evaporative emissions collected 
under the conditions set forth in subpart M of this part and measured in 
accordance with those procedures.
    (B) For vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating greater than 
26,000 lbs, the standards set forth in paragraphs (b)(3)(ii) and 
(b)(4)(ii) of this section refer to the manufacturer's engineering 
design evaluation using good engineering practice (a statement of which 
is required in Sec. 86.091-23(b)(4)(ii)).
    (c) No crankcase emissions shall be discharged into the ambient 
atmosphere from any new 1998 or later model year methanol-, natural gas-
, or liquefied petroleum gas-fueled diesel, or any naturally-aspirated 
diesel heavy-duty engine. For petroleum-fueled engines only, this 
provision does not apply to engines using turbochargers, pumps, blowers, 
or superchargers for air induction.
    (d) Every manufacturer of new motor vehicle engines subject to the 
standards prescribed in this section shall, prior to taking any of the 
actions specified in section 203(a)(1) of the Act, test or cause to be 
tested motor vehicle engines in accordance with applicable procedures in 
subpart I or N of this part to ascertain that such test engines meet the 
requirements of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this section.

[58 FR 15801, Mar. 24, 1993, as amended at 58 FR 34536, June 28, 1993; 
59 FR 48502, Sept. 21, 1994; 60 FR 43888, Aug. 23, 1995; 62 FR 54716, 
Oct. 21, 1997]