[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 17]
[Revised as of July 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR86.005-10]

[Page 63-64]
ENGINES--Table of Contents
Subpart A_General Provisions for Emission Regulations for 1977 and Later 
Sec. 86.005-10  Emission standards for 2005 and later model year Otto-cycle 
heavy-duty engines and vehicles.

    Section 86.005-10 includes text that specifies requirements that 
differ from Sec. 86.098-10 or Sec. 86.099-10. Where a paragraph in 
Sec. 86.098-10 or Sec. 86.099-10 is identical and applicable to Sec. 
86.005-10, this may be indicated by specifying the corresponding 
paragraph and the statement ``[Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.098-
10.'' or ``[Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.099-10.''.
    (a)(1) Exhaust emissions from new 2005 and later model year Otto-
cycle HDEs, except for Otto-cycle HDEs subject to the alternative 
standards in paragraph (f) of this section, shall not exceed:
    (i)(A) Oxides of Nitrogen plus Non-methane Hydrocarbons (NOX + NMHC) 
for engines fueled with either gasoline, natural gas, or liquefied 
petroleum gas. 1.0 grams per brake horsepower-hour (0.37 grams per 
    (B) Oxides of Nitrogen plus Non-methane HydrocarbonEquivalent (NOX + 
NMHCE) for engines fueled with methanol. 1.0 grams per brake horsepower-
hour (0.37 grams per megajoule).
    (C) A manufacturer may elect to include any or all of its Otto-cycle 
HDE families in any or all of the emissions ABT programs for HDEs, 
within the restrictions described in Sec. 86.098-15. If the 
manufacturer elects to include engine families in any of these programs, 
the NOX plus NMHC (or NOX plus NMHCE for methanol-
fueled engines) FELs may not exceed 4.5 grams per brake horsepower-hour 
(1.7 grams per megajoule). This ceiling value applies whether credits 
for the family are derived from averaging, banking, or trading programs.
    (ii)(A) Carbon monoxide for engines intended for use in all 
vehicles, except as provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this section. 14.4 
grams per brake horsepower-hour (5.36 grams per megajoule), as measured 
under transient operating conditions.
    (B) Carbon monoxide for engines intended for use only in vehicles 
with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of greater than 14,000 pounds. 37.1 
grams per brake horsepower-hour (13.8 grams per megajoule), as measured 
under transient operating conditions.
    (C) Idle carbon monoxide. For all Otto-cycle HDEs utilizing 
aftertreatment technology, and not certified to the onboard diagnostics 
requirements of Sec. 86.005-17: 0.50 percent of exhaust gas flow at 
curb idle.
    (2) The standards set forth in paragraphs (a)(1) and (f) of this 
section refer to the exhaust emitted over the operating schedule set 
forth in paragraph (f)(1) of appendix I to this part, and measured and 
calculated in accordance

[[Page 64]]

with the procedures set forth in subpart N or P of this part.
    (3)(i) A manufacturer may certify one or more Otto-cycle HDE 
configurations intended for use in all vehicles to the emission standard 
set forth in paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(B) of this section: Provided, that the 
total model year sales of such configuration(s), segregated by fuel 
type, being certified to the emission standard in paragraph 
(a)(1)(ii)(B) of this section represent no more than five percent of 
total model year sales of each fuel type Otto-cycle HDE intended for use 
in vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of up to 14,000 pounds by 
the manufacturer.
    (ii) The configurations certified to the emission standards of 
paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(B) of this section under the provisions of 
paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section shall still be required to meet the 
evaporative emission standards set forth in Sec. 86.099-10(b)(1)(i), 
(b)(2)(i) and (b)(3)(i).
    (4) The manufacturer may exempt 2005 model year HDE engine families 
whose model year begins before July, 31, 2004 from the requirements in 
this paragraph (a). Exempted engine families shall be subject to the 
requirements in Sec. 86.099-10.
    (b) [Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.099-10.
    (c) [Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.098-10.
    (d) Every manufacturer of new motor vehicle engines subject to the 
standards prescribed in this section shall, prior to taking any of the 
actions specified in section 203(a)(1) of the Act, test or cause to be 
tested motor vehicle engines in accordance with applicable procedures in 
subpart N or P of this part to ascertain that such test engines meet the 
requirements of this section.
    (e) [Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.099-10.
    (f) Alternative exhaust emission standards. In lieu of the exhaust 
emission standards in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(A) or (B) of this section, the 
manufacturer may select the standards and provisions in either paragraph 
(f)(1) or (f)(2) of this section.
    (1) Otto-cycle HDE Option 1. The alternative exhaust emission 
standards in this paragraph (f)(1) shall apply to new 2003 through 2007 
model year Otto-cycle HDEs and, at the manufacturers option, to new 2003 
through 2006 model year Otto-cycle complete heavy-duty vehicles less 
than or equal to 14,000 pounds GVWR
    (i) Oxides of Nitrogen plus Non-methane Hydrocarbons (NOX + NMHC) 
for engines fueled with either gasoline, natural gas, or liquefied 
petroleum gas. 1.5 grams per brake horsepower-hour (0.55 grams per 
    (ii) Oxides of Nitrogen plus Non-methane Hydrocarbon Equivalent (NOX 
+ NMHCE) for engines fueled with methanol. 1.5 grams per brake 
horsepower-hour (0.55 grams per megajoule).
    (2) Otto-cycle HDE Option 2. The alternative exhaust emission 
standards in this paragraph (f)(2) shall apply to new 2004 through 2007 
model year Otto-cycle HDEs.
    (i) Oxides of Nitrogen plus Non-methane Hydrocarbons (NO,X + NMHC) 
for engines fueled with either gasoline, natural gas, or liquefied 
petroleum gas. 1.5 grams per brake horsepower-hour (0.55 grams per 
    (ii) Oxides of Nitrogen plus Non-methane Hydrocarbon Equivalent (NOX 
+ NMHCE) for engines fueled with methanol. 1.5 grams per brake 
horsepower-hour (0.55 grams per megajoule).

[65 FR 59950, Oct. 6, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 5160, Jan. 18, 2001]