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 Research Areas

Image: Trees along side a river.EPA’s research into implementing the new Arsenic Rule is an integrated, multidisciplinary program. It focuses on the development and evaluation of innovative methods and cost-effective technologies for improving the assessment and control of arsenic contamination. Most importantly, the program aids in the implementation of and compliance with the current Maximum Contaminant Level. Information provided here is for academia, scientists, water utility operators, and the public; it’s about the health effects of arsenic exposure and current treatment technologies available for removing arsenic from drinking water.

EPA's arsenic research provides the basis for water system compliance with the new Arsenic Rule. These areas are targeted:

One of the issues associated with the new Arsenic Rule is the cost of bringing water systems, especially those in smaller communities, into compliance. To address this issue, EPA is evaluating arsenic removal technologies for their cost effectiveness. EPA has used a significant portion of Congressional funding to support demonstrations of newly developed low-cost treatment technologies.

In addition, EPA issued its Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule in August 2002. This document provides guidance to EPA regions, states, and stakeholders for implementing the Arsenic Rule. It incorporates comments received on the previous drafts of the guidance and from Arsenic Rule training sessions held throughout the country.

With ongoing development of new scientific data, innovative methods, and cost-effective technologies, the goals of arsenic treatment technologies research are closely aligned with EPA's goal to achieve and protect clean water systems, and to maintain public safety and health.

Technical Contact:

Tom Sorg (513) 569-7370

See Also:

Basic Information on Arsenic Research

Arsenic Treatment Technologies for Soil, Waste, and Water (PDF) (132 pp, 2.15 MB) (EPA/542/R-02/004) September 2002

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule – Drinking Water Regulations for Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring (PDF) (83 pp, 515 KB) (EPA/816/K-02/018) August 2002

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix Table of Contents (PDF) (4 pp, 58 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix A – Glossary (PDF) (4 pp, 77 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix B – Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring; Final Rule (66 CFR 6976) (PDF) (174 pp, 692 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix C – Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring: Delay of Effective Date; Final Rule (66 CFR 28342) (PDF) (20 pp, 148 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix D – Guidance on Calculation of Compliance for the New Arsenic MCL (PDF) (5 pp, 293 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix E – Violation Tables for Data Management and Enforcement Purposes (PDF) (12 pp, 107 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix F – Complying With the Revised Drinking Water Standard for Arsenic: Small Entity Compliance Guide (PDF) (58 pp, 288 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix G – Exemptions and the Arsenic Rule (PDF) (37 pp, 218 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix H – State Reporting Guidance for the Arsenic Rule (PDF) (52 pp, 226 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix I – Sample Extension Agreement (PDF) (8 pp, 91 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix J – Primacy Revision Crosswalks (PDF) (15 pp, 130 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix K – Statement of Principles – Guidance on Audit Law Issues (PDF) (6 pp, 1.3 MB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix L – Rule Presentations (PDF) (4 pp, 68 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix M – References (PDF) (17 pp, 110 KB)

Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule: Appendix N – Fact Sheets (PDF) (12 pp, 109 KB)

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