Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Snow & Ice Databook: Edition 2006


The Snow and Ice Data Book was first published in conjunction with the XIth International Winter Road Congress in 2002 and contained information from 15 countries. This book was a valuable tool to support the exchange of experiences between international experts. The Technical Committee 3.4 on Winter Maintenance prepared this update for the XIIth International Winter Road Congress in 2006. Included are more countries and greater consistency in the information presented from country to country. The Snow and Ice Data Book Edition 2006 published by PIARC is again a precious tool to support knowledge transfer between international experts as it includes the whole scope of topics related to today's winter maintenance. New themes have also been added on economic and environmental issues, public-private road partnerships, training, road user needs and emerging technologies.


World Road Association (PIARC), Technical Committee C3.4 Winter Maintenance (free download)

Date: 2006


World Road Association (PIARC)


Institutional issues
Traffic management

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Office of Operations