
Historically, the application of technological innovations to victim services has been a challenge for victim service providers. There are several reasons for this. Over the years, as victim service providers became used to working under the constraints of insufficient resources and tight budgets, they assumed that technological innovations were out of reach or unnecessary for providing quality victim services. In addition, the knowledge and expertise required to use technology to design and implement solutions are often outside the usual purview of those working in the victim services field. This technology can intimidate those not familiar with it, making them reluctant to embrace it. Despite these challenges, today's victim service community is realizing that technology is more accessible, affordable, and critical to the efficiency and productivity of victim service agencies than ever before. As victim services evolve, service providers must determine how to use technology to capture, manage, and disseminate the large and growing amounts of information about and for victims of crime.

While researching innovative new technologies, Denver VS2000 participants became aware of many benefits technology offers the victim services field. Technology may be used to

  • Improve the accuracy and quality of information gathered.

  • Improve service providers' ability to address victims' needs.

  • Eliminate or decrease redundant data entries.

  • Enhance statistical reporting and program evaluation.

  • Improve communication among service providers and between service providers and victims.

The Denver VS2000 information system uses both simple and complex innovations to enhance services, increase efficiency, and improve the way victim service providers do their jobs. This system

  • Enables electronic mail communication (e-mail) through the Internet, allowing victim service providers to easily share agency information about training and other activities.

  • Provides a comprehensive, continually updated, online Resource Directory for easy use by service providers and the general public.

  • Facilitates coordinated case management, ensuring integrated services for victims across multiple agencies and eliminating duplicative and revictimizing intake processes.

  • Eases discussion of communication, efficiency, and access issues throughout the country by victim service providers and victims of crime.

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Using Technology To Enable Collaboration
August 2001

This document was last updated on March 07, 2007