Getting the Word Out About New Directions

Getting the Word Out About New Directions contains a variety of tools and resources for publicizing both the availability of New Directions and suggested public awareness events. This section contains the following:

  • Sample Press Release
  • Sample Newsletter Article
  • Sample Opinion/Editorial Column
  • Sample Letter to Criminal Justice Associations
  • Sample Letter to Allied Professional Associations
  • Sample Letter to Public Officials

Sample Press Release
To generate media coverage and to increase public awareness of victims' rights and services, a sample press release is included in this section. The press release announces the formation of a New Directions task force. It can also be used to highlight similar initiatives on the State, Tribal, or local levels. Once a task force has been created, the press release should be sent to local print and broadcast media via mail or fax transmission. Usually, local libraries have reference books listing print and broadcast media that can help create a current media mailing list.

Sample Newsletter Article
To increase awareness about New Directions, a sample newsletter article is included for submission to professional associations for reprinting in newsletters or other publications. The sample article can be used for newsletter and journal publications in the victim services, justice, and allied professional communities. The sample newsletter article can be tailored to meet specific professional or community issues and concerns.

Sample Opinion/Editorial Column
A sample opinion/editorial column is included for submission to newspapers to enhance public awareness about New Directions. The column can be tailored to reflect information pertinent to the community in which it is published, such as adding local crime statistics. To increase the likelihood of its publication, consider: submitting it on behalf of a community action group, victim services planning committee, or coalition; scheduling a meeting with members of a newspaper's editorial board to stress the importance of victims' rights and services; and timing the submission of the column to coincide with national commemorative victim-related events, such as National Crime Victims' Rights Week. (See Suggested Events for a list of national events throughout the year.)

Sample Letters
Three sample letters to criminal justice associations, allied professionals, and public officials are included in this section. The letters serve as an introduction to New Directions and encourage professional organizations or public officials to take action on ideas and recommendations contained in New Directions.

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New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century

This document was last updated on June 26, 2008