United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration FHWA HomeFeedback

Michigan Division
Frequently Asked Questions

  •   General

    Q: Where are you located?
    A: We are located in the Federal Building just south of the State Capitol. Our address is 315 W. Allegan, Room 201, Lansing, MI, 48933. Office phone is (517) 377 - 1844

    Engineering and Operations

    Q: When does MDOT send a Contract Modification to FHWA?
    A: FHWA would review a contract modification when there is any change in scope regardless of amount. An extra for an item or issue or any adjustment to unit prices of $50,000 or more. All extensions of time on incentive/disincentive (I/D) projects, any changes to an I/D clause, A+B provisions or warranty provisions. No FHWA approval is required for contract modifications on MDOT oversight projects unless the changes involve a change in scope of work.

    Q: When is a project considered a FHWA oversight project?
    A: The project must be on the Interstate or NHS, over $1,000,000 and consist of New Construction/Reconstruction 4R work. On combined projects consisting of both 4R and 3R work, if 50% or more of the project work or cost is 4R, the whole project is considered 4R and thus a FHWA oversight project.

    Planning and Project Development

    Q: How are projects selected?
    A: The state and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) utilize the Statewide Transportation Improvements Program (STIP) to prioritize projects.

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration