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Content Last Revised: 7/1/87


Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 516  

Records to Be Kept by Employers




Subpart A  

General Requirements

29 CFR 516.9 - Petitions for exceptions.

  • Section Number: 516.9
  • Section Name: Petitions for exceptions.

    (a) Submission of petitions for relief. Any employer or group of 
employers who, due to peculiar conditions under which they must operate, 
desire authority to maintain records in a manner other than required in 
this part, or to be relieved of preserving certain records for the 
period specified in this part, may submit a written petition to the 
Administrator requesting such authority, setting forth the reasons 
    (b) Action on petitions. If, after review of the petition, the 
Administrator finds that the authority requested will not hinder 
enforcement of the Act, the Administrator may grant such authority 
limited by any conditions determined necessary and subject to subsequent 
revocation. Prior to revocation of such authority because of 
noncompliance with any of the prescribed conditions, the employer will 
be notified of the reasons and given an opportunity to come into 
    (c) Compliance after submission of petitions. The submission of a 
petition or
the delay of the Administrator in acting upon such petition will not 
relieve any employer or group of employers from any obligations to 
comply with all the applicable requirements of the regulations in this 
part. However, the Administrator will provide a response to all 
petitions as soon as possible.
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