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Some Related Mine-Waste / Environment Publications

Acid Drainage Technology Initiative (ADTI) Publications (West Virginia Water Research Institute):

Alpers, C.N., and Blowes, D.W., eds., 1994, Environmental geochemistry of sulfide oxidation: American Chemical Society, Symposium Series 550, 681 p.

Alpers, C.N., Jambor, J.L., and Nordstrom, D.K., eds., 2000, Sulfate minerals: crystallography, geochemistry, and environmental significance: Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, vol. 40: Mineralogical Society of America and The Geochemical Society, 608 p.

Australian Centre for Mining Environmental Research, Manual of techniques to quantify processes associated with polluted effluent from sulfidic mine wastes: Brisbane, Australia.

Brady, K.B.C., Smith, M.W., and Schueck, J., eds., 1998, Coal mine drainage prediction and pollution prevention in Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, 18 chapters.

Cabri, L.J., and Vaughan, D.J., eds., 1998, Modern approaches to ore and environmental mineralogy, Volume 27: Mineralogical Association of Canada, Short Course Series, 421 p.

du Bray, E.A., ed., 1995, Preliminary compilation of descriptive geoenvironmental mineral deposit models: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-0831.

Eggert, R.G., ed., 1994, Mining and the environment: international perspectives on public policy: Resources for the Future, 172 p.

Evangelou, V.P., 1995, Pyrite oxidation and its control: Boca Raton, CRC Press, Inc., 293 p.

Evans, A.M., 1997, An introduction to economic geology and its environmental impact: Blackwell Science Inc., 352 p.

Ferderer, D.A., 1996, National overview of abandoned mine land sites—utilizing the minerals availability system (MAS) and geographic information system (GIS) technology: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-549.

Filipek, L.H., and Plumlee, G.S., eds., 1999, The environmental geochemistry of mineral deposits, Part B: case studies and research topics: Society of Economic Geologists, Inc., Reviews in Economic Geology, vol. 6B, 210 p.

Hudson, T.L., Fox, F.D., and Plumlee, G.S., 1999, Metal mining and the environment, AGI Environmental Awareness Series 3: Alexandria, Virginia, American Geological Institute, 64 p.

Hutchison, I.P.G., and Ellison, R.D., eds., 1992, Mine waste management: a resource for mining industry professionals, regulators and consulting engineers: Lewis Publishers, Inc., 672 p.

International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD) Proceedings:

Jambor, J.L., and Blowes, D.W., eds., 1994, The environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine-wastes, Volume 22: Mineralogical Association of Canada , Short Course Series, 438 p.

Jambor, J.L., and Vaughan, D.J., eds., 1990, Advanced microscopic studies of ore minerals Volume 17: Mineralogical Association of Canada, Short Course Series, 426 p.

Jennings, S.R., and Dollhopf, D.J., 1995, Geochemical characterization of sulfide mineral weathering for remediation of acid producing mine wastes: Bozeman, Montana, Montana State University Reclamation Research Unit Publication No. 9502, 140 p.

Kimball, B.A., 1996, Use of tracer injections and synoptic sampling to measure metal loading from acid mine drainage: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-245-96.

Kittrick, J.A., Fanning, D.S., and Hossner, L.R., eds., 1982, Acid sulfate weathering: Soil Science Society of America, Special Publication No. 10, 234 p.

Lee, M., 1999, Handbook on management of sulfidic mine wastes and acid drainage: Brisbane, Australian Centre for Mining Environmental Research.

Marcus, J.J., ed., 1997, Mining environmental handbook—effects of mining on the environment and American environmental controls on mining: London, Imperial College Press, 785 p.

McDougal, R.R. and Smith, B.D.,2000, Ground geophysical study of the Buckeye Mine tailings, Boulder watershed, Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-371.

McDougal, R.R., Smith, B.D., Cannon, M.R., and Fey, D.L., 2000, Integrated geophysical, geochemical, and hydrological study of the Buckeye Mine tailings, Boulder watershed, Montana (PDF file, 11.1 MB), in Proceedings of the 22nd Annual National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs Conference, p. 411-427.

McFaul, E.J., Mason, G.T., Jr., Ferguson, W.B., and Lipin, B.R., 2000, U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Databases—MRDS and MAS/MILS: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS-52, CD-ROM (2 disks).

Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) technical reports. See this site for a list.

Ministry of Energy and Mines and Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, 1998, Policy for metal leaching and acid rock drainage at minesites in British Columbia.

Morin, K.A., and Hutt, N.M., 1997, Environmental geochemistry of minesite drainage: practical theory and case studies: Vancouver, MDAG Publishing, 333 p.

Nordstrom, D.K., Alpers, C.N., Ptacek, C.J., and Blowes, D.W., 2000, Negative pH and extremely acidic mine waters from Iron Mountain, California: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 34, p. 254-258.

Plumlee, G.S., and Logsdon, M.J., eds., 1999, The environmental geochemistry of mineral deposits, Part A: processes, techniques, and health issues: Society of Economic Geologists, Inc., Reviews in Economic Geology, vol. 6A, 371 p.

Price, W.A., 1997, DRAFT guidelines and recommended methods for the prediction of metal leaching and acid rock drainage at minesites in British Columbia: British Columbia Ministry of Employment and Investment, Energy and Minerals Division, 159 p.

Price, W.A., and Errington, J.C., 1998, Guidelines for metal leaching and acid rock drainage at minesites in British Columbia: B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines.

Ripley, E.A., Redmann, R.E., and Crowder, A.A., 1995, Environmental effects of mining: St. Lucie Press, 356 p.

Skousen, J.G., and Ziemkiewicz, compilers, 1995, Acid mine drainage—control and treatment: West Virginia University and the National Mine Land Reclamation Center, 254 p.

Sobek, A.A., Schuller, W.A., Freeman, J.R., and Smith, R.M., 1978, Field and laboratory methods applicable to overburdens and minesoils: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-600/2-78-054, 203 p.

To, T.B., Nordstrom, D.K., Cunningham, K.M., Ball, J.W., and McCleskey, R.B., 1999, New method for the direct determination of dissolved Fe(III) concentration in acid mine waters: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 33, p. 807-813.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994, Acid mine drainage prediction: U.S. EPA 530-R-94-036, December, 1994. (PDF file, 184 KB)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995, Historic hardrock mining: the west's toxic legacy: U.S. EPA 908-F-95-002, May 1995.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1997, Introduction to hard rock mining—a CD-ROM application: U.S. EPA 530-C-97-005, September 1997 (CD-ROM).

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1998, Test methods for evaluating solid waste, physical/chemical methods (SW-846): Environmental Protection Agency.

Young, C., Twidwell, L., and Anderson, C., eds., 2001, Cyanide: social, industrial, and economic aspects: The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society.

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