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Background Characteristics, Work Activities, and Compensation of Instructional Faculty and Staff: Fall 2003

SE Table

Report Tables

Table 1 Percentage distribution of instructional faculty and staff, by employment status, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 2 Average age and percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by institution type and program area: Fall 2003

Table 3 Average age and percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by institution type and program area: Fall 2003

Table 4 Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by race/ethnicity, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 5 Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by race/ethnicity, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 6 Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by gender, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 7 Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by gender, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 8 Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by U.S. citizenship status, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 9 Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by U.S. citizenship status, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 10 Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by academic rank, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 11 Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by academic rank, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 12 Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by tenure status, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 13 Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by tenure status, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 14 Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by highest educational credential attained, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 15 Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by highest educational credential attained, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 16 Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by principal activity, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 17 Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by principal activity, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 18 Average number of hours instructional faculty and staff reported working per week at all jobs, by employment status, institution type, and program area: Fall 2003

Table 19 Among full-time instructional faculty and staff, average percentage of time spent on various activities at the institution, by institution type and program area: Fall 2003

Table 20 Among part-time instructional faculty and staff, average percentage of time spent on various activities at the institution, by institution type and program area: Fall 2003

Table 21 Average number of classroom hours and student contact hours per week in for-credit classes for full-time instructional faculty and staff, by institution type and program area: Fall 2003

Table 22 Average number of classroom hours and student contact hours per week in for-credit classes for part-time instructional faculty and staff, by institution type and program area: Fall 2003

Table 23 Average number of publications and presentations in the past 2 years by full-time instructional faculty and staff, by institution type and program area: Fall 2003

Table 24 Average number of publications and presentations in the past 2 years by part-time instructional faculty and staff, by institution type and program area: Fall 2003

Table 25 Average income of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by source of income, institution type, and program area: 2003

Table 26 Average income of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by source of income, institution type, and program area: 2003

Table 27 Average income from the institution other than basic salary for instructional faculty and staff who earned that type of income, by employment status, institution type, and program area: 2003

Table 28 Average consulting income for instructional faculty and staff who earned that type of income, by employment status, institution type, and program area: 2003

Table 29 Average income from outside the institution other than consulting income for instructional faculty and staff who earned that type of income, by employment status, institution type, and program area: 2003

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