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Mohonasen Central School District

Schenectady, New York
20% Improvement (2008)

Mohonasen Central School District services approximately 3,500 students in four facilities, which have an average age of approximately 50 years. The mission of the Mohonasen Board of Education, administration, and staff is to search for ways to operate school programs more efficiently, including by identifying opportunities to increase non-tax revenues. In 2005, the district partnered with Energy Education, Inc., an energy management consulting company, to increase the energy efficiency of each of its facilities.


Through its partnership with ENERGY STAR and Energy Education, Inc., the district has realized a more than 20 percent improvement in energy efficiency from 2006 to 2008. In an era of rapidly rising energy prices, these efforts continue to help the district contain energy costs. Exemplifying the district's commitment to increasing energy efficiency, Mohonasen High School, Draper Middle School, and Herman L. Bradt Elementary School have earned the ENERGY STAR in 2007. In October 2007, voters in the district approved a measure to fund repairs and improvements in all four of the district's schools, which will include upgrades to old lighting and HVAC systems, as well as the installation of energy-efficient windows and hot water heating systems.