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The Stop & Shop Supermarket Co., LLC

Quincy, Massachusetts
Top Performer (2007)

The Stop & Shop/Giant Supermarket Company is a subsidiary of Royal Ahold N.V., a global retailer based in the Netherlands.  The company employs 82,000 people and operates 570 stores in New England, NY, NJ, MD, VA, DE and Washington, D.C.


The Stop & Shop/Giant Supermarket Company has long been a leader in adopting energy efficient policies and initiatives, which have been incorporated into the design criteria of all stores.  For example, a state-of-the-art energy management system controls and monitors refrigeration, lighting and HVAC systems.  Skylights installed over the sales floor provide natural light during the day and allow for the highly efficient T5 fluorescent lighting system to be dimmed automatically in response to the amount of daylight harvested.  The back rooms and office areas within stores are equipped with occupancy sensors, which turn the lights off when these spaces are unoccupied.  The refrigeration systems utilize electronically commutated fan motors, low energy glass doors and non-ozone depleting refrigerant.  Heat from the refrigeration systems that would otherwise be wasted is reclaimed and utilized to heat the sales floors and the water used in the restrooms and preparation areas.  And the roofs of stores are well insulated and include a white reflective surface, which reduces the cooling capacity required to condition the stores in the summer months. 


The Stop & Shop/Giant Supermarket Company is committed to energy efficiency as part of its corporate social responsibility; the company has reduced the store electrical load by 28% since its pilot Low Energy Superstore was developed in Foxboro, MA in 2001. 


In 2007, the company became an ENERGY STAR Partner, earned the ENERGY STAR on two stores and was recognized as an ENERGY STAR Leaders Top Performer with a chain-wide Portfolio Manager rating above 90.