PubMed Tutorial

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Search Results Screen

Once you enter search terms and click Go or press the Enter key, PubMed will automatically:

  • Run the search.
  • Retrieve and display citations.
  • Provides option to Save Search via My NCBI feature.

Now let's take a quick look at how PubMed displays the results of the search:

  • The retrieved citations are displayed in the Summary format. This includes the author, title, and source information. [Show Me]
    Note: Retrieval of a single citation is displayed in AbstractPlus format, or the format chosen in your My NCBI User Preferences.
  • Icons are displayed indicating the presence of an abstract and availability of free full text. [Show Me]
  • The total number of citations retrieved by the search will appear in an "All" tab. [Show Me]
  • The total number of citations from search results that have been assigned the Publication Type, Review will appear in the Review tab.[Show Me]
  • The tool symbol (hammer and wrench) to the right of the filter tabs links you to My NCBI where users who are signed in can add or modify their Filter selections. See My NCBI section for further information. [Show Me]
  • Results are displayed in batches of 20. [Show Me]

This is how PubMed initially displays the retrieval. You can modify the display in various ways, using selections from the Action Bar. Click Next to learn about the Action Bar.


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Last Updated September 13, 2006
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