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Product Description Page
Title: Geologic map of the Horse Mountain Quadrangle, Garfield County, Colorado
Author(s): Perry, W.J., Shroba, R.R., Scott, R.B., and Maldonado, Florian
Publishing Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication Series and Number: Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2415
Publication Date: 2003
Map Scale: 1:24,000
Cross Section: Yes
Northernmost Latitude: 39°45'0"N (39.7500)
Southernmost Latitude: 39°37'30"N (39.6250)
Easternmost Longitude: 107°45'0"W (-107.7500)
Westernmost Longitude: 107°52'30"W (-107.8750)
Publication Format: Digital and Paper
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Last modified: 10-Nov-2008