US Attorneys > USAM > Title 5 > ENRD Resource Manual

  1. Condemnation Guidelines Suggested by the United States Judicial Conference
  2. 9-Point Program for Settlement or Dismissal Within One Year
  3. Policy Regarding Consent to Trial of Condemnation Cases by United States Magistrates
  4. Condemnation Procedures -- Filing and Serving Complaints -- Materials to be Secured From Acquiring Agency by United States
  5. Documents to be Prepared by United States Attorneys Prior to Filing Condemnation Actions
  6. Procedures in Filing Complaints in Condemnation
  7. Procedures in Continuing Title Evidence
  8. Procedures in Serving Notices of Condemnation
  9. Responses to Challenges of a Taking
  10. Procedures for Excluding or Dismissing Land From Condemnation Proceeding
  11. Procedure for Ascertainment of Just Compensation
  12. Procedure for Retaining Services of an Independent Appraiser
  13. Procedure for Distribution of Funds Deposited in Court
  14. Procedure in Moving for a New Trial or Objection to a Commission's Award
  15. Procedures in Securing a Check to Satisfy Deficiency Judgment
  16. Procedure With Respect to Processing Settlement Offers
  17. Settlement Offer Within Authority
  18. Settlement Offer Exceeds Authority; Lack of Agency Concurrence
  19. Finalizing Settlement
  20. The Appraisal Unit -- Area of Responsibility
  21. Analysis of Appraisal Reports by United States Attorneys
  22. Obtaining Additional Appraisals
  23. 23 (RESERVED)
  24. Complaint in Condemnation
  25. Complaint in Condemnation for Use in Districts Which Have Adopted the Judicial Conference Guidelines
  26. Amended Complaint
  27. Notice of Condemnation
  28. Letter Advising Landowners of Filing of Action and Deposit of Funds
  29. Motion to Join Additional Parties
  30. Stipulation for Revestment
  31. Stipulation and Joint Motion to Dismiss
  32. Application for Withdrawl of Funds
  33. Motion for Disbursement of Funds
  34. Stipulation as to Amount of Just Compensation
  35. Motion for Order for Delivery of Possession
  36. Certificate for Service by Publication
  37. Certificate of Publication and Mailing
  38. Final Judgement for Use When No Declaration of Taking Has Been Filed
  39. Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem
  40. Order of Dismissal
  41. Order for Disbursement of Funds
  42. Order of Final Distribution
  43. Judgment on Stipulation of Just Compensation
  44. Order for Delivery of Possession
  45. Order Appointing Commission
  46. Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt of Notice of Condemnation
  47. Certificate of Inspection and Possession
  48. Certificate of Title
  49. Disclaimer
  50. Answer of Tax Collector
  51. Answer of Lienholder
  52. Waiver of Service
  53. Affidavit of Heirship
  54. Notice of Hearing
  55. Motion for Summary Judgment in Amount of Option
  56. Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Judgement
  57. Show Cause Order
  58. Order Granting Summary Judgment
  59. Guidance Concerning the Conduct of Indian Litigation -- The "Andrus Letter"
  60. Form USA-155 -- Memorandum of Condemnation Compromise Settlement
  61. Form OBD-43 -- Proposed Settlement of the Government's Liability
  62. Form LDN-18 -- Report on Condemnation Award or Verdict
  63. Form OBD-47 -- Request, Authorization and Agreement for Fees and Expenses of Witnesses
  64. Instructions for Completion of Form OBD-47