Air Pollution

Pollution Prevented Through Energy Savings

air pollutionEmploying energy-efficient technology such as ENERGY STAR qualified products can help reduce emissions (air pollution) from power plants that produce energy. Carbon dioxide emission is a primary cause of global climate change, sulfur dioxide is a key component of acid rain, and nitrogen oxide is responsible for smog.

Did You Know?

For each kilowatt-hour (kWh) that you save through the application of energy-efficiency technologies, you are reducing the emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides.

Making your business more energy efficient means you will use less energy and save money, while helping the environment at the same time! Since utilities will not need to generate as much electricity, they won't burn as much fossil fuel, which means they are releasing less pollution into the atmosphere. To find out more about estimating how much money you can save by reducing your facility's energy use, please visit the Calculate section of this guide.

Air Pollution links:

  • EPA: Air Pollution
  • DOE: Clean Air, Soil and Water Exit ENERGY STAR
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Exit ENERGY STAR