1997 Economic Census:
Comparative Statistics for Kentucky
1987 SIC Basis: Manufacturing




Manufacturing by Industry (4-digit SIC)
Includes only establishments with payroll. Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Introductory text includes scope and methodology.
For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table. An alternate display has fewer columns.

SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Value of Shipments
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
  Manufacturing 4,455 4,182 6.5 88,437,375 59,759,405 48.0 296,956 265,826 11.7 9,416,025 7,050,729 33.5
20 Food and kindred products 230 247 -6.9 6,854,583 5,310,612 29.1 21,935 19,595 11.9 604,210 487,197 24.0
21 Tobacco products 9 14 -35.7 D D N (2500-4999) (2500-4999) N D D N
22 Textile mill products 36 32 12.5 D 536,334 N (5000-9999) 6,824 N D 115,016 N
23 Apparel and other textile products 191 215 -11.2 2,165,558 1,960,717 10.4 23,623 30,144 -21.6 396,551 417,374 -5.0
24 Lumber and wood products 681 627 8.6 1,347,152 845,511 59.3 12,853 10,237 25.6 254,335 163,825 55.2
25 Furniture and fixtures 111 102 8.8 1,005,388 581,389 72.9 5,434 3,988 36.3 129,324 78,419 64.9
26 Paper and allied products 95 83 14.5 2,750,510 1,855,022 48.3 10,309 9,013 14.4 362,327 262,852 37.8
27 Printing and publishing 697 722 -3.5 D 2,580,361 N (10k-24999) 20,921 N D 513,229 N
28 Chemicals and allied products 162 158 2.5 7,419,248 5,462,570 35.8 13,876 13,879 0.0 639,948 535,627 19.5
29 Petroleum and coal products 41 38 7.9 D D N (1000-2499) (1000-2499) N D D N
30 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 217 176 23.3 3,451,800 2,305,131 49.7 20,399 16,997 20.0 561,940 426,744 31.7
31 Leather and leather products 18 14 28.6 D 176,626 N (1000-2499) 1,523 N D 21,544 N
32 Stone, clay, and glass products 260 280 -7.1 1,686,140 1,243,410 35.6 10,547 9,463 11.5 316,560 240,451 31.7
33 Primary metal industries 89 75 18.7 6,001,635 4,050,108 48.2 17,191 15,489 11.0 663,603 522,954 26.9
34 Fabricated metal products 474 422 12.3 4,437,982 2,916,005 52.2 26,012 20,295 28.2 776,524 533,176 45.6
35 Industrial machinery and equipment 646 547 18.1 7,070,500 4,355,532 62.3 35,341 28,353 24.6 1,248,235 858,766 45.4
36 Electronic and other electric equipment 136 131 3.8 4,069,134 3,885,900 4.7 21,604 21,693 -0.4 678,705 614,263 10.5
37 Transportation equipment 151 122 23.8 D 14,992,031 N (25k-49999) 23,292 N D 858,107 N
38 Instruments and related products 73 53 37.7 343,344 266,590 28.8 2,894 3,225 -10.3 86,058 69,487 23.8
39 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 138 124 11.3 701,220 773,547 -9.4 4,509 4,856 -7.1 102,867 99,321 3.6
N=Comparable data not available D=Withheld to avoid disclosure

Top: 2-digit SIC table All-sector table Data in formats for downloading PDF report

- Source: 1997 Economic Census, Comparative Statistics   - Questions?
Last revised: March 01, 2004