[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 36, Volume 2]
[Revised as of July 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 36CFR223.52]

[Page 91-92]
--Table of Contents
                     Subpart B_Timber Sale Contracts
Sec. 223.52  Market-related contract term additions.

    (a) Contract provision. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3) 
of this section, each timber sale contract exceeding 1 year in length 
shall contain a provision for the addition of time to the contract term, 
under the following conditions:
    (i) The Chief of the Forest Service has determined that adverse wood 
products market conditions have resulted in a drastic reduction in wood 
product prices applicable to the sale; and
    (ii) The purchaser makes a written request for additional time to 
perform the contract.
    (2) The contract term addition provision of the contract must 
specify the index to be applied to each sale. The Forest Supervisor 
shall determine, and select from paragraph (b) of this section, the 
index to be used for each sale based on the species and product 
characteristics, by volume, being harvested on the sale. The index 
specified shall represent more than one-half of the advertised volume.
    (3) A market-related contract term addition provision shall not be 
included in contracts where the sale has a primary objective of 
harvesting timber subject to rapid deterioration.
    (b) Determination of drastic wood product price reductions. (1) The 
Forest Service shall monitor and use Producer Price Indices, as prepared 
by the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), adjusted 
to a constant dollar base, to determine if market-related contract term 
additions are warranted.
    (i) The Forest Service shall monitor and use only the following 

      BLS producer price index            Index  series       Index code
Hardwood Lumber.....................  Commodity............         0812
Softwood Lumber.....................  Commodity............         0811
Wood Chips..........................  Industry.............      3211135

    (ii) Preliminary index values will be revised when final index 
values become available, however, determination of a qualifying quarter 
will not be revised when final index values become available.
    (2) For PPI index codes 0811 and 0812, the Chief of the Forest 
Service shall determine that a drastic reduction in wood prices has 
occurred when, for any 2 or more consecutive qualifying quarters, the 
applicable adjusted price index is less than 88.5 percent of the average 
of such index for the 4 highest of the 8 calendar quarters immediately 
prior to the qualifying quarter. A qualifying quarter is a quarter, 
following the contract award date, where the applicable adjusted index 
is more than 11.5 percent below the average of such index for the 4 
highest of the previous 8 calendar quarters. For PPI index code 3211135, 
the Chief of the Forest Service shall determine that a drastic reduction 
in wood prices has occurred when, for any 2 or more consecutive 
qualifying quarters, the adjusted price index is less than 85 percent of 
the average of such index for the 4 highest of the 8 calendar quarters 
immediately prior to the qualifying quarter. A qualifying quarter is a 
quarter, following the contract award date, where the adjusted index is 
more than 15 percent below the average of such index for the 4 highest 
of the previous eight calendar quarters. Qualifying quarter 
determinations will be made using the Producer Price Indices for the 
months of March, June, September, and December.
    (3) A determination, made pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this 
section, that a drastic reduction in wood product prices has occurred, 
shall constitute a finding that the substantial overriding public 
interest justifies the contract term addition.
    (c) Granting market-related contract term additions. When the Chief 
of the Forest Service determines, pursuant to this section, that a 
drastic reduction in wood product prices has occurred, the Forest 
Service is to notify affected

[[Page 92]]

timber sale purchasers. For any contract which has been awarded and has 
not been terminated, the Forest Service, upon a purchaser's written 
request, will add 1 year to the contract's terms, except as provided in 
paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) of this section. This 1-year addition 
includes time outside of the normal operating season.
    (1) Additional contract time may not be granted for those portions 
of the contract which have a required completion date or for those 
portions of the contract where the Forest Service determines that the 
timber is in need of urgent removal or that timber deterioration or 
resource damage will result from delay.
    (2) For each additional consecutive quarter, in which a contract 
qualifies for a market-related contract term addition, the Forest 
Service will, upon the purchaser's written request, add an additional 3 
months during the normal operating season to the contract.
    (3) No more than twice the original contract length or 3 years, 
whichever is less, shall be added to a contract's term by market-related 
contract term addition.
    (4) In no event shall a revised contract term exceed 10 years as a 
result of market-related contract term additions.
    (d) Recalculation of periodic payments. Where a contract is 
lengthened as a result of market conditions, any subsequent periodic 
payment dates shall be delayed 1 month for each month added to the 
contract's term.

[63 FR 24114, May 1, 1998, as amended at 70 FR 37269, June 29, 2005; 71 
FR 3411, Jan. 23, 2006]