[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 36, Volume 2]
[Revised as of July 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 36CFR223.143]

[Page 113-114]
--Table of Contents
         Subpart C_Suspension and Debarment of Timber Purchasers
Sec. 223.143  Procedures for suspension.

    (a) Investigation and referral. Information which may be sufficient 
cause for suspension under Sec. 223.142 shall be reported to the Forest 
Service Suspending Official. Generally, such information should be 
referred through the Forest Supervisor and the Regional Forester. The 
referral shall be accompanied by a complete statement of the facts 
supported by appropriate exhibits and a recommendation for action. Where 
the statement of facts indicates a possible criminal offense, except 
possible antitrust violations, the suspending official shall notify the 
Office of Inspector General, USDA. Where the statement of facts 
indicates a possible antitrust violation, the suspending official shall 
notify the Antitrust Division, Department of Justice.
    (b) Decisionmaking process--(1) Notice of suspension. When a 
purchaser and any specifically named affiliates are suspended, the 
suspending official shall so advise the purchaser and any specifically 
named affiliate immediately by certified mail, return receipt requested. 
Such notice shall specify:
    (i) That they have been suspended as of the date of the notice;
    (ii) That the suspension is based on an indictment or other adequate 
evidence that the purchaser has committed irregularities,
    (A) Of a serious nature in business dealings with the Government, or
    (B) Seriously reflecting on the propriety of further Government 
dealings with the recipient;
    (iii) Any such irregularities shall be described in terms sufficient 
to place the recipient on notice without disclosing the Government's 
    (iv) That the suspension is for a temporary period of time pending 
the completion of an investigation and such legal proceedings as may 
    (v) The cause(s) relied upon under Sec. 223.142 for imposing 
    (vi) The effect of the suspension (see Sec. 223.135);
    (vii) The specific procedures governing suspension decisionmaking in 
Sec. 223.143 (b)(1) through (b)(6).
    (2) Submission in opposition. Within 30 calendar days after receipt 
of the notice of suspension, the purchaser or any specifically named 
affiliate may submit, in person, in writing, or through a 
representative, information and argument in opposition to the 
suspension, including any additional specific information that raises a 
genuine dispute over material facts.
    (3) Informal hearing. Pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section, 
respondent may request an informal hearing with the suspending official. 
The informal hearing shall be held within 20 calendar days from the date 
the request is received. The suspending official may postpone the date 
of the hearing if the respondent requests a postponement in writing. At 
the hearing, the respondent, appearing personally or through an attorney 
or other authorized representative, may informally present and explain 
evidence that causes for suspension do not exist, evidence of any 
mitigating factors, and arguments concerning the imposition, scope, 
duration or effects of suspension. A transcript of the informal hearing 
shall not be required.
    (4) Additional proceedings as to disputed material facts. (i) If the 
suspending official finds that there exists a genuine dispute over facts 
material to the suspension, respondent(s) shall be afforded an 
opportunity to appear with counsel, submit documentary evidence, present 
witnesses, and confront any person the Forest Service presents, unless--
    (A) The action is based on an indictment; or
    (B) A determination is made, on the basis of Department of Justice 
advice, that the substantial interests of the Government in pending or 
contemplated legal proceedings based on the same facts as the suspension 
would be prejudiced.
    (ii) If appropriate, the respondent may request a fact-finding 
conference on disputed material facts. Such a conference shall be held 
within 20 calendar days from the date the request is received unless 
mutually agreed otherwise. The fact-finding conference shall

[[Page 114]]

conform with the following requirements:
    (A) At least 10 days before the fact-finding conference, the 
suspending official shall send the respondent a copy of all documents in 
the administrative record as of the date of transmittal and not objected 
to by the Department of Justice.
    (B) At the conference, the respondent shall have the opportunity to 
appear with counsel, submit documentary evidence, present witnesses, and 
confront any person the Forest Service presents.
    (iii) A transcribed record of any additional proceedings shall be 
prepared and made available at cost to the respondent upon request, 
unless the respondent and the Forest Service, by mutual agreement, waive 
the requirement for a transcript.
    (5) Suspending official's decision. The suspending official may 
modify or terminate the suspension or leave it in force for the same 
reasons as for terminating or reducing the period or extent of debarment 
(see Sec. 223.139(c)). The decision shall be made in accordance with 
the following provisions:
    (i) No additional proceedings necessary. In actions based on an 
indictment, in which the respondent's submission does not raise a 
genuine dispute over material facts; or in which additional proceedings 
to determine disputed material facts have been denied on the basis of 
Department of Justice advice, the suspending official's decision shall 
be based on all the information in the administrative record, including 
any submissions and argument made by the respondent. The decision shall 
be made within 30 working days after receipt of any information and 
argument submitted by the respondent, unless the suspending official 
extends this period for good cause.
    (ii) Additional proceedings necessary. (A) In actions in which 
additional proceedings are necessary as to disputed material facts, 
written findings of fact shall be promptly prepared. The suspending 
official shall base the decision on the facts as found, together with 
any information and argument submitted by the respondent and any other 
information in the administrative record.
    (B) The suspending official may refer matters involving disputed 
material facts to another official for findings of fact. The suspending 
official may reject any such findings, in whole or in part, only after 
specifically determining them to be arbitrary and capricious or clearly 
    (C) The suspending official's decision shall be made only after the 
conclusion of any proceedings with respect to disputed facts.
    (6) Notice of suspending official's decision. The purchaser and any 
affiliates involved shall be given prompt written notice of the 
suspending officer's decision to continue or not continue the suspension 
by certified mail, return receipt requested.