[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 36, Volume 2]
[Revised as of July 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 36CFR222.1]

[Page 62-63]
PART 222_RANGE MANAGEMENT--Table of Contents
    Subpart A_Grazing and Livestock Use on the National Forest System
Sec. 222.1  Authority and definitions.

    Authority: 92 Stat. 1803, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1901), 85 Stat. 649, 
as amended (16 U.S.C. 1331-1340); sec. 1, 30 Stat. 35, as amended (18 
U.S.C. 551); sec. 32, 50 Stat. 522, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1011).

    Source: 42 FR 56732, Oct. 28, 1977, unless otherwise noted.

    (a) Authority. The Chief, Forest Service, shall develop, administer 
and protect the range resources and permit and regulate the grazing use 
of all kinds and classes of livestock on all National Forest System 
lands and on other lands under Forest Service control. He may redelegate 
this authority.
    (b) Definitions. (1) An allotment is a designated area of land 
available for livestock grazing.
    (2) An allotment management plan is a document that specifies the 
program of action designated to reach a given set of objectives. It is 
prepared in consultation with the permittee(s) involved and:
    (i) Prescribes the manner in and extent to which livestock 
operations will be conducted in order to meet the multiple-use, 
sustained yield, economic, and other needs and objectives as determined 
for the lands, involved; and
    (ii) Describes the type, location, ownership, and general 
specifications for the range improvements in place or to be installed 
and maintained on the lands to meet the livestock grazing and other 
objectives of land management; and
    (iii) Contains such other provisions relating to livestock grazing 
and other objectives as may be prescribed by the Chief, Forest Service, 
consistent with applicable law.
    (3) Base property is land and improvements owned and used by the 
permittee for a farm or ranch operation and specifically designated by 
him to qualify for a term grazing permit.
    (4) Cancel means action taken to permanently invalidate a term 
grazing permit in whole or in part.
    (5) A grazing permit is any document authorizing livestock to use 
National Forest System or other lands under Forest Service control for 
the purpose of livestock production including:
    (i) Temporary grazing permits for grazing livestock temporarily and 
without priority for reissuance.
    (ii) Term permits for up to 10 years with priority for renewal at 
the end of the term.
    (6) Land subject to commercial livestock grazing means National 
Forest System lands within established allotments.
    (7) Lands within National Forest in the 16 contiguous western States 
means lands designated as National Forest within the boundaries of 
Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, 
New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, 
Washington, and Wyoming (National Grasslands are excluded).
    (8) Livestock means animals of any kind kept or raised for use or 
    (9) Livestock use permit means a permit issued for not to exceed one 
year where the primary use is for other than grazing livestock.
    (10) Modify means to revise the terms and conditions of an issued 
    (11) National Forest System lands, are the National Forests, 
National Grasslands, Land Utilization Projects, and other Federal lands 
for which the Forest Service has administrative jurisdiction.

[[Page 63]]

    (12) On-and-off grazing permits are permits with specific provisions 
on range only part of which is National Forest System lands or other 
lands under Forest Service control.
    (13) On-the-ground expenditure means payment of direct project costs 
of implementing an improvement or development, such as survey and 
design, equipment, labor and material (or contract) costs, and on-the-
ground supervision.
    (14) Other lands under Forest Service control are non-Federal public 
and private lands over which the Forest Service has been given control 
through lease, agreement, waiver, or otherwise.
    (15) Private land grazing permits are permits issued to persons who 
control grazing lands adjacent to National Forest System lands and who 
waive exclusive grazing use of these lands to the United States for the 
full period the permit is to be issued.
    (16) Permittee means any person who has been issued a grazing 
    (17) Permitted livestock is livestock authorized by a written 
    (18) Person means any individual, partnership, corporation, 
association, organization, or other private entity, but does not include 
Government Agencies.
    (19) Range betterment means rehabilitation, protection and 
improvement of National Forest System lands to arrest range 
deterioration and improve forage conditions, fish and wildlife habitat, 
watershed protection, and livestock production.
    (20) Range betterment fund means the fund established by title IV, 
section 401(b)(1), of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 
1976. This consists of 50 percent of all monies received by the United 
States as fees for grazing livestock on the National Forests in the 16 
contiguous western States.
    (21) Range Improvement means any activity or program designed to 
improve production of forage and includes facilities or treatments 
constructed or installed for the purpose of improving the range resource 
or the management of livestock and includes the following types:
    (i) Non-structural which are practices and treatments undertaken to 
improve range not involving construction of improvements.
    (ii) Structural which are improvements requiring construction or 
installation undertaken to improve the range or to facilitate management 
or to control distribution and movement of livestock.
    (A) Permanent which are range improvements installed or constructed 
and become a part of the land such as: dams, ponds, pipelines, wells, 
fences, trails, seeding, etc.
    (B) Temporary which are short-lived or portable improvements that 
can be removed such as: troughs, pumps and electric fences, including 
improvements at authorized places of habitation such as line camps.
    (22) Suspend means temporary withholding of a term grazing permit 
privilege, in whole or in part.
    (23) Term period means the period for which term permits are issued, 
the maximum of which is 10 years.
    (24) Transportation livestock is livestock used as pack and saddle 
stock for travel on the National Forest System.

(Sec. 1, 30 Stat. 35, as amended (16 U.S.C. 551); sec. 1, 33 Stat. 628 
(16 U.S.C. 472); sec. 32, 50 Stat. 525, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1011); sec. 
19, 64 Stat. 88 (16 U.S.C. 580l); Title IV, Pub. L. 94, 90 Stat. 2771 
(43 U.S.C. 1751, et seq.); 92 Stat. 1803 (43 U.S.C. 1901))

[42 FR 56732, Oct. 28, 1977, as amended at 44 FR 61345, Oct. 25, 1979]