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Search Results: (1-15 of 110 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
REL 2008052 Developing the "Compendium of Strategies to Reduce Teacher Turnover in the Northeast and Islands Region": a Companion to the Database
This report provides state-, regional-, and district-level decision makers in the Northeast and Islands Region with a description of the Compendium of Strategies to Reduce Teacher Turnover in the Northeast and Islands Region, a searchable database of selected profiles of retention strategies implemented in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont.
REL TR00708 Aligning Mathematics Assessment Standards: Texas and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
This Technical Brief examines the alignment between the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) mathematics assessment standards and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics framework. It looks at the extent to which current state assessment standards cover the content on which 2009 NAEP assessments will be based. Applying the methodology used by Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest in 2007 in a similar study that examined the alignment of TAKS science assessment standards with the 2009 NAEP, this study presents results for areas of full alignment, partial alignment, nonalignment, and areas where the TAKS assessment standards go beyond the NAEP standards. The study finds that 74 percent of the NAEP grade 4, 81 percent of the NAEP grade 8, and 71 percent of the NAEP grade 12 assessment standards are either fully or partially addressed by the TAKS assessment standards.
REL TR00808 Aligning Mathematics Assessment Standards: Arkansas and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
This Technical Brief examines the current alignment between the Arkansas Comprehensive Testing, Assessment, and Accountability Program (ACTAAP) mathematics assessment standards and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics framework. It looks at the extent to which current state assessment standards cover the content on which 2009 NAEP assessments will be based. Applying the methodology used by Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest in 2007 in a similar study that examined the alignment of ACTAAP science assessment standards with the 2009 NAEP, this study presents results for areas of full alignment, partial alignment, nonalignment, and areas where the ACTAAP assessment standards go beyond the NAEP standards. The study finds that 78 percent of NAEP grade 4, 84 percent of NAEP grade 8, and 72 percent of NAEP grade 12 assessment standards are either fully or partially addressed by the ACTAAP assessment standards.
REL TR00908 Aligning mathematics assessment standards: Louisiana and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
This technical brief examines the current alignment between the Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP) and Graduation Exit Examination (GEE) mathematics assessment standards and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics framework. It looks at the extent to which current state assessment standards cover the content on which 2009 NAEP assessments will be based. Applying the methodology used by Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest in 2007 in a similar study that examined the alignment of LEAP and GEE science assessment standards with the 2009 NAEP, this study presents results for areas of full alignment, partial alignment, nonalignment, and areas where the LEAP and GEE assessment standards go beyond the NAEP standards. The study finds that 91 percent of NAEP grade 4, 90 percent of NAEP grade 8, and 72 percent of NAEP grade 12 assessment standards are either fully or partially addressed by the LEAP or GEE mathematics assessment standards.
REL TR01008 Aligning Mathematics Assessment Standards: Oklahoma and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
This technical brief examines the current alignment between Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests (OCCT) and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics framework. It looks at the extent to which current state assessment standards cover the content on which 2009 NAEP assessments will be based. Applying the methodology used by Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest in 2001 in a similar study that examined the alignment of Oklahoma science assessment standards with the 2009 NAEP, this study presents results for areas of full alignment, partial alignment, nonalignment, and areas where the OCCT assessment standards go beyond the NAEP standards. The study finds that 85 percent of NAEP grade 4, 89 percent of NAEP grade 8, and 74 percent of NAEP grade 12 assessment standards are either fully or partially addressed by the OCCT mathematics assessment standards.
REL TR01108 Aligning Mathematics Assessment Standards: New Mexico and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
This technical brief examines the current alignment between the New Mexico Standards Based Assessment (NMSBA) assessment standards and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics framework. It looks at the extent to which current state assessment standards cover the content on which 2009 NAEP assessments will be based. Applying the methodology used by Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest in 2007 in a similar study that examined the alignment of New Mexico science standards with the 2009 NAEP, this study presents results for areas of full alignment, partial alignment, nonalignment, and areas where the NMSBA assessment standards go beyond the NAEP standards. The study finds that 92 percent of NAEP grade 4, 94 percent of NAEP grade 8, and 80 percent of NAEP grade 12 assessment standards (aligned with current NMSBA assessment standards) and 77 percent of NAEP grade 12 assessment standards (aligned with proposed NMSBA assessment standards) are either fully or partially addressed by the NMSBA assessment standards.
NCEE 20084028 A Study of Classroom Literacy Interventions and Outcomes in Even Start
The report, A Study of Classroom Literacy Interventions and Outcomes in Even Start, presents findings from the 2-year implementation of research-based, literacy-focused preschool and parenting education curricula in 120 Even Start Family Literacy projects. The Classroom Literacy Interventions and Outcomes (CLIO) study examined whether the CLIO preschool and parenting education curricula are more effective than existing Even Start instructional services and the extent to which the CLIO parenting education curricula add value to the CLIO preschool curricula.

The evaluation found that the CLIO curricula had statistically significant, positive impacts on some of the hypothesized precursors to the development of children’s early literacy skills, including instructional supports for literacy, child social competence, and parenting skills; but did not have statistically significant impacts on the child language development and literacy outcomes. The evaluation also found that the CLIO parenting curricula did not significantly add value to the CLIO preschool curricula with respect to child outcomes.
WWC 2008012 Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom
Designed for elementary school educators and school- and district-level administrators, this guide offers prevention, implementation, and schoolwide strategies that can be used to reduce problematic behavior that interferes with the ability of students to attend to and engage fully in instructional activities.
WWC 20084025 Dropout Prevention
Geared toward educators, administrators, and policymakers, this guide provides recommendations that focus on reducing high school dropout rates. Strategies presented include identifying and advocating for at-risk students, implementing programs to improve behavior and social skills, and keeping students engaged in the school environment.
WWC TRDP08 Dropout Prevention Topic Report
Dropout prevention interventions are school- and community-based initiatives that aim to keep students in school and encourage them to complete their high school education. To be included in the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) review, interventions have to operate within the United States and include dropout prevention or dropout recovery as one of their primary objectives. The interventions reviewed provide a mix of services, such as counseling, monitoring, school restructuring, curriculum redesign, financial incentives, and community services to mitigate factors impeding academic success.

The review focuses on three outcome domains: staying in school, progressing in school, and completing school. As of September 2008, the WWC looked at 84 studies of 22 dropout prevention interventions that qualified for review. Of these, 23 studies of 16 interventions meet WWC evidence standards--11 without reservations and 12 with reservations. The six other interventions have no studies that meet WWC eligibility or evidence screens.
REL 2008063 State Policies and Procedures and Selected Local Implementation Practices in Response to Intervention in the Six Southeast Region States
This report describes how six state education agencies and three local education agencies in the Southeast Region are adopting and implementing Response to Intervention-an education approach designed to provide effective, evidence-based interventions for struggling learners.
REL 2008037 Examining Context and Challenges in Measuring Investment in Professional Development: a Case Study of Six School Districts in the Southwest Region
This study is an exploratory inquiry into the context and challenges of measuring investment in professional development in six Southwest Region school districts. The study estimated annual spending of approximately $150-$600 per pupil-or 2-9 percent of total spending. These figures likely underestimate the full investment in professional development in these districts because of the inability to track more integrated professional development activity that is a natural part of a teacher's work day or week.
REL 2008060 Training Early Intervention Assistants in California's Community Colleges
This study examines California's efforts to foster preservice preparation of early intervention assistants for infants and toddlers with special needs through the Community College Personnel Preparation Project, a certificate program offered by participating community colleges. The study finds that colleges could develop preservice training programs for early intervention assistants that meet requirements such as those for awarding a Chancellor's certificate, although not all participating colleges were successful, despite receiving state funding for startup expenses.
NCEE 20084034 The Impact of Two Professional Development Interventions on Early Reading Instruction and Achievement
The report, The Impact of Two Professional Development Interventions on Early Reading Instruction and Achievement, describes the effectiveness of two specific professional development strategies in improving the knowledge and practice of 2nd grade teachers in high-poverty schools and the reading achievement of their students. Both the 8-day content-focused institutes series (treatment A) and the institute series plus in-school coaching (treatment B) produced positive impacts on teachers' knowledge of scientifically based reading instruction and on one of the three instructional practices promoted by the professional development. However, neither intervention resulted in significantly higher student test scores at the end of the one-year implementation period. The institute series plus in-school coaching did not produce a significantly greater impact on teacher practice than the institute series alone.
REL 2008062 Gender Gaps in Assessment Outcomes in Vermont and the United States
Using data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP), the report examines how gender gaps differ between Vermont NAEP scores and U.S. NAEP scores and between Vermont NAEP and NECAP scores in grades 4 and 8. Overall and disaggregated by poverty and disability status, gender achievement gaps in Vermont resembled those in the country as a whole except in a few cases.
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