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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ETA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 627  

General Provisions Governing Programs Under Titles I, II, and III of the Act




Subpart D  

Administrative Standards

20 CFR 627.470 - Performance standards.

  • Section Number: 627.470
  • Section Name: Performance standards.

    (a) General. The Secretary shall prescribe performance standards for 

adult programs under title II-A, for youth programs under title II-C, 

for dislocated worker programs under title III, and for older worker 

programs under section 204(d) of the Act. Any performance standards 

developed for employment competencies shall be based on such factors as 

entry level skills and other hiring requirements.

    (b) Pursuant to instructions and time lines issued by the Secretary, 

the Governor shall:

    (1) Collect the data necessary to set performance standards pursuant 

to section 106 of the Act; and

    (2) Maintain records and submit reports required by sections 

106(j)(3), 165(a)(3), (c)(1), and (d) and 121(b)(6) of the Act.

    (c) Title II performance standards. (1) The Governor shall establish 

SDA performance standards for title II within the parameters set by the 

Secretary pursuant to sections 106(b) and (d) of the Act and apply the 

standards in accordance with section 202(c)(1)(B) of the Act.

    (2) The Governor shall establish incentive award policies pursuant 

to section 106(b)(7) of the Act, except for programs operated under 

section 204(d) of the Act. Pursuant to section 106(b)(8) of the Act, 

Governors may not consider standards relating gross program expenditures 

to performance measures in making such incentive awards.

    (3) The Governor shall provide technical assistance to SDA's failing 

to meet performance standards established by the Secretary for a given 

program year (section 106(j)(2)).

    (4)(i) If an SDA fails to meet a prescribed number of the 

Secretary's performance standards for 2 consecutive years, the Governor 

shall notify the Secretary and the service delivery area of the 

continued failure and impose a reorganization plan (section 106(j)(4)).

    (ii) The number of standards deemed to constitute failure shall be 

specified by the Secretary biennially and shall be based on an 

appropriate proportion of the total number established by the Secretary 

for that performance cycle. In determining failure, the specified 

proportion shall be applied separately to each year of the two year 


    (iii) A reorganization plan shall not be imposed for a failure to 

meet performance standards other than those established by the 


    (iv) A reorganization plan shall be considered to be imposed when, 

at a minimum:

    (A) The problem or deficiency is identified,

    (B) The problem is communicated to the SDA, and

    (C) The SDA is provided an initial statement of the actions or steps 

required and the timeframe within which they are to be initiated. A 

final statement of required steps and actions is to be issued within 30 


    (d)(1) If the Governor does not impose a reorganization plan, 

required by paragraph (c)(4) of this section, within 90 days of 

notifying the Grant Officer of an SDA's continued failure to meet 

performance standards, the Grant Officer shall develop and impose such a 

plan (section 106(j)(5)).

    (2) Before imposing a reorganization plan, the Grant Officer shall 

notify the Governor and SDA in writing of the intent to impose the plan 

and provide both parties the opportunity to submit comments within 30 

days of receipt of the Grant Officer's notice.

    (e) An SDA subject to a reorganization plan under paragraphs (c)(4) 

or (d) of this section may, within 30 days of receiving notice of such 

action, appeal to the Secretary to revise or rescind the reorganization 

plan under the procedures set forth at Sec. 627.471 of this subpart, 

Reorganization plan appeals (section 106(j)(6)(A)).

    (f) Secretarial action to recapture or withhold funds. (1) The Grant 

Officer shall recapture or withhold an amount not to exceed one-fifth of 

the State administration set-aside allocated under sections 202(c)(1)(A) 

and 262(c)(1)(A) of the Act when:

    (i) The Governor has failed to impose a reorganization plan under 

paragraph (c)(4) of this section, for the purposes of providing 

technical assistance under a reorganization plan imposed by the 

Secretary (section 106(j)(5)(B)); or

    (ii) The Secretary determines in an appeal provided for at paragraph 

(e) of this section, and set forth at Sec. 627.471 of this subpart, that 

the Governor has not provided appropriate technical assistance as 

required at section 106(j)(2) (section 106(j)(6)(B)).

    (2)(i) A Governor of a State that is subject to recapture or 

withholding under paragraph (f)(1) of this section may, within 30 days 

of receipt of such notice, appeal such recapture or withholding to the 


    (ii) The Secretary may consider any comments submitted by the 


and shall make a decision within 45 days after the appeal is received.

    (g) Title III performance standards. (1) The Governor shall 

establish SSG performance standards for programs under title III within 

the parameters set annually by the Secretary pursuant to section 106(c) 

and (d) of the Act.

    (2) Any performance standard for programs under title III shall make 

appropriate allowances for the difference in cost resulting from serving 

workers receiving needs-related payments authorized under Sec. 631.20 of 

this chapter (section 106(c)(2)).

    (3) The Secretary annually shall certify compliance, if the program 

is in compliance, with the title III performance standards established 

pursuant to paragraph (a) of section 322(a)(4) of the Act.

    (4) The Governor shall not establish standards for the operation of 

programs under title III that are inconsistent with the performance 

standards established by the Secretary under provisions of section 

106(c) of the Act (section 311(b)(8)).

    (5) When an SSG fails to meet performance standards for 2 

consecutive years, the Governor may institute procedures pursuant to the 

Governor's by-pass authority in accordance with Sec. 631.38(b) of this 

chapter or require redesignation of the substate grantee in accordance 

with Sec. 631.35 of this chapter, as appropriate.
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