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Crustal Imaging and Characterization Team

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Geophysics for Assessments

Recently compiled and publically available continental-scale magnetic and, in some cases, gravity, much of the world, including North America, Australia, Antarctica, Russia, are now available. In addition, Western Mining Corp., Australia, is allowing access to their global magnetic and gravity databases that include Asia, Africa and South America. All of these data sets will provide a means of seeing through geologic as well as anthropogenic cover, such as vegetation, soil, desert sands, glacial till, man-made features, and water to reveal lithologic variations and structural features such as faults, folds, and dikes in the crystalline basement. In addition, the data sets can help constrain global plate reconstructions for a variety of supercontinents including the Neo-Proterozoic continent of Rodinia as well as earlier ones. The broad objective of this proposed major research effort is to use this unprecedented array of magnetic and gravity data sets to map cyrstalline basement of selected continents. This regional geologic mapping effort will constrain plate reconstructions and provide tools to evaluate ore genesis and settings of mineral deposits.

Project Objectives

The project will provide a means to gain expertise in the regional geology (particularly the Precambrian) in a variety of places. This kind of understanding provides the underpinnings for mineral resource assessments and allows us to place mineral resource information within a framework of global crustal evolution cycles as well as help us to understand continental growth processes. The distribution of gold and base metal resources within selected reconstructions will be evaluated in order to help the Mineral Resources Program achieve science goals pertaining to understanding mineral resources in a global context.

Relevance & Impact

The results from this research will include regional geologic maps of selected locations world wide as well as produce a series of products that will provide a very thorough presentation of the distribution of gold and base metal resources through space and time. These products will address major, and still quite controversial, plate reconstruction issues. These investigations, especially the paleogeographic reconstructions, will provide new insights into the important role of climate in formation of specific mineral deposits.

Project Chief:

Carol Finn Box 25046 Denver Federal Center MS 964
Denver, CO 80225
(303) 236-1345





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