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2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997

(To obtain reprints, contact WED author listed in bold.
To view abstracts for most papers, click on ABSTRACT.)


Ackerman, Luke K., Adam R. Schwindt, Staci L. Massey Simonich, Dan C. Koch, Tamara F. Blett, Carl B. Schreck, Michael L. Kent and Dixon H. Landers. 2008. Environ. Sci. Technol.10.1021/es702348j. WED-08-015.

Almasi, Kama N., and Peter M. Eldridge. 2008. A Dynamic Model of an Estuarine Invasion by a Non-Native Seagrass. Estuaries and Coasts: J CERF 31:163-176. DOI 10.1007/s12237-007-9024-5. WED-05-200.

Andersen, C.P., D.L. Phillips, P.T. Rygiewicz, and M.J. Storm. Fine root growth and mortality in different-aged ponderosa pine stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38:1797-1806, (2008). WED-07-166.

Boese, Bruce L., Patrick J. Clinton, Danielee Dennis, Robert C. Golden, and Bryan Kim. 2008. Digital image analysis of Zostera Marina leaf injury. Aquatic Botany 88:87-90. WED-06-144

Boese, Bruce L., and B.D. Robbins. Effects of erosion and macroalgae on intertidal eelgrass (Zostera marina) in a northeastern Pacific estuary (USA). Botanica Marina 51:247-257 (2008). WED-07-127

Canas, J.E., M. Long, S. Nations, R. Vadan, ,L. Dai, M. Luo, R. Ambikapathi, E.H. Lee, D. Olszyk. Effects of Functionalized and Nonfunctionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Root Elongation of Select Crop Species. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27(9):1922-1931 (2008). WED-08-082

Chen, H., P.T. Rygiewicz, M.G. Johnson, M.E. Harmon, H. Tian, and J.W. Tang. Chemistry and Long-Term Decomposition of Roots of Douglas-Fir Grown under Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Warming Conditions. Journal of Environmental Quality, 37:1327-1336 (2008), doi:10.2134/jeq2007.0266. WED-08-041.

Courbois, J-Y., S.L. Katz, D.J. Isaak, E.A. Steel, R.F. Thurow, A.M. Wargo Rub, T. Olsen, and C.E. Jordan. Evaluating probability sampling strategies for estimating redd counts: an example with Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 65:1814-1830 (2008). WED-06-048

Eldridge, Peter M., and John W. Morse. 2008. Origins and temporal scales of hypoxia on the Louisiana shelf: Importance of benthic and sub-pycnocline water metabolism. Marine Chemistry 108:159-171. WED-07-160.

Hogsett, William E., David T. Tingey, E. Henry Lee, Peter A. Beedlow, Christian P. Andersen. 2008. An Approach for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Various Ozone Air quality Standards for Protecting Trees. Environmental Management DOI 10.1007/s00267-007-9057-3. WED-07-124.

Kaufmann, P.R., Faustini, J.M., Larsen, D.P., Shirazi, M., 2008. A Roughness-Corrected Index of Relative Bed Stability for Regional Stream Surveys. Geomorphology doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.10.007. WED-04-019.

Lackey, Robert T. Scientists and Democracy [Review of: The Honest Broker: Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics. Roger A. Pielke, Jr., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2007.] BioScience 58(4):359-360, (2008).

Larned, S.T., P.M. Eldridge, and R.A. Kinzie, III. Modeling C and N flows through a stream food web: an inverse approach. Journal of North American Benthological Society, 27(3):674-689, (2008), DOI: 10.1899/07-134.1. WED-07-169.

Larsen, D.P., A.R. Olsen, and D.L. Stevens, Jr. Using a Master Sample to Integrate Stream Monitoring Programs. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 13(3):243-254 (2008). WED-06-154

Lawler, J.J. and D. White. Assessing the mechanisms behind successful surrogates for biodiversity in conservation planning. Animal Conservation 11:270-280 (2008). doi: 10.1111/j.1469-1795.2008.00176x. WED-04-018

Lee II, H., D.A. Reusser, J.D. Olden, S.S. Smith, J. Graham, V. Burkett, J.S. Dukes, R.J. Piorkowski, and J. McPhendran. Integrated Monitoring and Information Systems for Managing Aquatic Invasive Species in a Changing Climate. Conservation Biology, 22(3):575-584, (2008), DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.00955.x. WED-08-111.

Leibowitz, S.G., P.J. Wigington, Jr., M.C. Rains, and D.M. Downing. 2008. Non-navigable streams and adjacent wetlands: addressing science needs following the Supreme Court's Rapanos decision. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 6, doi:10.1890/070068. WED-07-121

Martinez-Ghersa, M.A., D. Olszyk, and S.R. Radosevich. Growth and yield responses of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) to diclofop-methyl and ozone. Weed Research 48:68-77, (2008). WED-04-131.

Meador, Michael R., Thomas R. Whittier, Robert M. Goldstein, Robert M. Hughes, and David V. Peck. 2008. Evaluation of an Index of Biotic Integrity Approach Used to Assess Biological Condition in Western U.S. Streams and Rivers at Varying Spatial Scales. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:13-22. WED-08-018.

Morzillo, A.T.,J. W. Hollister, M.E. Rocca, and M.E. Baker, et al. A Young Scientist's Guide To Gainful Employment: Recent Graduates' Experiences And Successful Strategies. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America ,89(2):193–203 (2008).

Nelson, E., S. Polasky, D.J. Lewis, A.J. Plantinga, E. Lonsdorf, D. White, D. Bael, and J.J. Lawler. Efficiency of incentives to jointly increase carbon sequestration and species conservation on a landscape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(28):9471-9476, (2008), doi: 10.1073/pnas.0706178105. WED-07-181.

Nikolova, P.S., S. Raspe, C.P. Andersen, R. Mainiero, H. Blaschke, R. Matyssek, and K-H. Häberle. Effects of the extreme drought in 2003 on soil respiration in a mixed forest. European Journal of Forest Research, DOI 10.1007/s10342-008-0218-6, (2008). WED-06-112.

Olszyk, David, Thomas Pfleeger, E. Henry Lee, Connie Burdick, George King, Milton Plocher and Jeffrey Kern. 2008. Selecting and Evaluating Native Plants for Region-Specific Phytotoxicity Testing. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 4(1): 105-117. WED-07-123

Paul, John F., Susan M. Cormier, Walter J. Berry, Philip R. Kaufmann, Robert L. Spehar, Douglas J. Norton, Robert E. Cantilli, Richard Stevens, William F. Swietlik, and Benjamin K. Jessup. 2008. Developing Water Quality Criteria for Suspended and Bedded Sediments. Water Practice 2(1). Water Environment Federation; doi: 10.2175/193317708X281433. WED-07-FCO-179.

Roelke, Daniel L., and Peter M. Eldridge. 2008. Mixing of Supersaturated Assemblages and the Precipitous Loss of Species. The American Naturalist 171(2): 162-175. WED-07-053.

Roni, P., D. Van Slyke, B.A. Miller, J.L. Ebersole, and G. Pess. Adult Coho Salmon and Steelhead Use of Boulder Weirs in Southwest Oregon Streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 28:970-978 (2008), DOI:10.1577/M07-085.1. WED-07-175.

Schwindt, Adam R., John W. Fournie, Dixon H. Landers, Carl B. Schreck and Michael L. Kent. 2008. Mercury Concentrations in Salmonids from Western U.S. National Parks and Relationships with Age and Macrophage Aggregates. Environ Sci. Technol. 42:1365-1370. DOI: 10.1021/es702337m. WED-07-163

Taylor, A.M., J.R. Brooks, B. Lachenbruch, J.J. Morrell, and S. Voelker. Correlation of carbon isotope ratios in the cellulose and wood extractives of Douglas-fir. Dendrochronologia 26:125-131 (2008). WED-06-131

Tingey, David T., E. Henry Lee, James D. Lewis, Mark G. Johnson, and Paul T. Rygiewicz. 2008. Do mesocosms influence photosynthesis and soil respiration? Environmental and Experimental Botany 62: 36-44. WED-06-172.

Van Sickle, John, and Colleen Burch Johnson. 2008. Parametric distance weighting of landscape influence on streams. Landscape Ecology DOI 10.1007/s10980-008-9200-4. WED-07-136.

Van Sickle, John. 2008. An index of compositional dissimilarity between observed and expected assemblages. Journal of North American Benthological Society 27(2):227-235. DOI: 10.1899/07-111-1. WED-07-176.

White, Denis, and A. Ross Kiester. 2008. Topology matters: Network topology affects outcomes from community ecology neutral models. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 32: 165-171. doi:10.1016/j.compenverbsys.2007.11.002. WED-06-101.

Whittier, Thomas R., Paul L. Ringold, Alan T. Herlihy, and Suzanne M. Pierson. 2008. A Calcium-based invasion risk assessment for zebra and Quagga mussels (Dreissena spp). Front Ecol Environ; 6, doi:10.1890/070073. WED-07-129.

Wolfenbarger, L.L., S.E. Naranjo, J.G. Lundgren, R.J Bitzer, and L.S. Watrud. Bt Crop Effects on Functional Guilds of Non-Target Arthropods: A Meta-Analysis. PLoS ONE 3(5): e2118. doi:10.1371/journal/pone.0002118, (2008). WED-08-072.

Young, D.R., P.J. Clinton, D.T. Specht, T.H. DeWitt, and H. Lee II. Monitoring the Expanding Distribution of Nonindigenous Dwarf Eelgrass Zostera japonica in a Pacific Northwest USA Estuary using High Resolution Digital Aerial Orthophotography. Spatial Science, 53(1):87-97 (2008). WED-08-090


Beedlow, P.A., D.T. Tingey, R.S. Waschmann, D.L. Phillips, and M.G. Johnson. 2007. Bole water content shows little seasonal variation in century-old Douglas-fir trees. Tree Physiology 27:737-747. WED-06-033.

Beedlow, Peter A., David T. Tingey, E. Henry Lee, Donald L. Phillips, Christian P. Andersen, Ronald S. Waschmann, and Mark G. Johnson. 2007. Sapwood moisture in Douglas-fir boles and seasonal changes in soil water. Can. J. For. Res. 37: 1263-1271. WED-05-081.

Bond, B.J., J.R. Brooks and F.C. Meinzer. How trees influence the hydrological cycle in forest ecosystems. In: Hydroecology and Ecohydrology: Past, Present and Future, Eds P.J. Wood, K.M. Hannah and J.P. Sadler. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Pp 7-35, 2007. WED-06-050.

Clark, Mark E., Brent J. Danielson, Mary V. Santelmann, Joan Iverson Nassauer, Denis White, and Kathryn Freemark Lindsay. Impacts on Mammal Communities: A Spatially Explicit Model. From the corn belt to the gulf: societal and environmental implications of alternative agricultural futures. Edited by Joan Iverson Nassauer, Mary V. Santelmann, and Donald Scavia. Resources for the Future Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 11, pp 115-138. WED-07-FCO-187.

Colasanti, R.L., R. Hunt and L. Watrud. 2007. A simple cellular automaton model for high-level vegetation dynamics. Ecological Modeling 203; 363-374. WED-05-191.

Compton, J.E., T.D. Hooker and S.S. Perakis.2007. Nitrogen distribution and d15N in a 115-year white pine chronosequence. Ecosystems 10: 1197-1208. WED-05-178.

Crow, S.E., C.W. Swanston, K. Lajtha, J.R. Brooks, and H. Keirstead. 2007. Density fractionation of forest soils: methodological questions and interpretation of incubation results and turnover time in an ecosystem context. Biogeochemistry 85:69-90. WED-07-023.

Daly, Christopher, Jonathan W. Smith, Joseph L. Smith, and Robert B. McKane. 2007. High-Resolution Spatial Modeling of Daily Weather Elements for a Catchment in the Oregon Cascade Mountains, United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology DOI: 10.1175/JAM2548.1. WED-07-057.

Debinski, Diane M., Mary V. Santelmann, Denis White, Kathryn Freemark Lindsay, and Jean C. Sifneos. Butterfly Responses. From the corn belt to the gulf: societal and environmental implications of alternative agricultural futures. Edited by Joan Iverson Nassauer, Mary V. Santelmann, and Donald Scavia. Resources for the Future Press, Washington, D.C. Chapter 9, pp 102-107. WED-07-FCO-189

Etterson, M.A., L.R. Nagy, and T.R. Robinson. 2007. Partitioning Risk Among Different Causes of Nest Failure. The Auk 124(2):432-443. WED-05-047.

Faustini, John M. and Philip R. Kaufman. 2007. Adequacy of visually classified particle count statistics from regional stream habitat surveys. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43(5): 1293-1315. WED-06-126.

Fennessy, M. Siobhan, Amy D. Jacobs, and Mary E. Kentula. 2007. An Evaluation of Rapid Methods for Assessing the Ecological Condition of Wetlands. WETLANDS 27(3): 543-560. WED-07-152.

Ferraro, S.P., and F.A. Cole. 2007. Benthic macrofauna-habitat associations in Willapa Bay, Washington, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 71:491-507. WED-06-076.

Frick, Walter E., Tarang Khangaonkar, Anne C. Sigleo, and Zhaoqing Yang. 2007. Estuarine--ocean exchange in a North pacific estuary: Comparison of steady state and dynamic models. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 74: 1-11. WED-08-FCO-020.

Grams, T. E.E., and C.P. Andersen. 2007. Competition for Resources in Trees: Physiological Versus Morphological Plasticity. Progress in Botany 68:356-381. WED-06-130.

Harmon, M.E., Phillips, D.L., Battles, J.J., Rassweiler, A., Hal, R.O., Lauenroth, W.K. (2007). Quantifying uncertainty in net primary production measurements. Chapter 12 in Fahey TJ & Knapp AK, eds., Principles and Standards for Measuring Primary Production. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 238-260.

Hebert, A.B., J.W. Morse and P.M. Eldridge. 2007. Small-scale heterogeneity in the geochemistry of seagrass vegetated and non-vegetated estuarine sediments: causes and consequences. Aquat. Geochem., 13:19-39. WED-07-FCO-120.

Jordan, Thomas E., Mary Pittek Andrews, Ryan P. Szuch, Dennis F. Whigham, Donald E. Weller, and Amy Deller Jacobs. 2007. Comparing functional assessments of wetlands to measurements of soil characteristics and nitrogen processing. Wetlands. 27(3): 479-497. WED-07-048.

Kaldy, J.E. and K.S. Lee. 2007. Factors controlling Zostera marina L. growth in the eastern and western Pacific Ocean: Comparisons between Korea and Oregon, USA. Aquatic Botany 87:116-126. WED-06-016

Kentula, Mary E. 2007. Foreword: Monitoring Wetlands at the Watershed Scale. WETLANDS 27(3): 412-415. WED-07-148.

Lackey, R.T. 2007. Science, Scientists, and Policy Advocacy. Conservation Biology 21(1) 12-17. WED-06-166.

Larsen, D.P., A.R. Olsen, S.H. Lanigan, C. Moyer, K.K. Jones and T.M. Kincaid. 2007. Sound survey designs can facilitate integrating stream monitoring data across multiple programs. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43(2) 1-14. WED-05-044.

Lee, E. H., D.T. Tingey, P.A. Beedlow, M.G. Johnson, and C.A. Burdick. 2007. Relating fine root biomass to soil and climate conditions in the Pacific Northwest. Forest Ecology and Management, 242:195-208. WED-06-170.

Lindsay, Kathryn Freemark, Mary V. Santelmann, Jean C. Sifneos, Denis White, and David A. Kirk . 2007. Wildlife Habitat. pp 147-163 in Joan Everson Nassauer, Mary V. Santelmann, and Donald Scavia. From the Corn Belt to the Gulf; Societal and Environmental Implications of Alternative Agricultural Futures. Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C. WED-07-006.

Lomnicky, Gregg A., Thomas R. Whittier, Robert M. Hughes, and David V. Peck. 2007. Distribution of nonnative aquatic vertebrates in western U.S. streams and rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:1082-1093. WED-07-173.

Magee, T.K., P.L. Ringold, and M.A. Bollman. 2007. Alien species importance in native vegetation along wadeable streams, John Day River basin, Oregon, USA. Plant Ecology DOI 10.1007/s11258-007-9330-9. WED-06-094.

Marshall, J.D., J.R. Brooks and K. Lajtha. Sources of variation in the stable isotopic composition of plants. In Stable Isotopes in Ecology and Environmental Science , Eds. R. Mitchener and K. Lajtha. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford pp. 22-60, 2007. WED-06-160.

Meinzer, F.C., J.M. Warren, and J.R. Brooks. 2007. Species-specific partitioning of soil water resources in an old-growth Douglas-fir-western hemlock forest. Tree Physiology 27, 871-880. WED-06-178.

Monteith, D.T., J.L. Stoddard, C.D. Evans, H.A. de Wit, M. Forsius, T. Høgåsen, A. Wilander, B.L. Skjelkvåle, D.S. Jeffries, J. Vuorenmaa, B. Keller, J. Kopácek, and J. Vesely. Dissolved organic carbon trends resulting from changes in atmospheric deposition chemistry. Nature, 450:537-541 (2007), doi:10.1038/nature06316. WED-06-190.

Morse, John W., and Peter M. Eldridge. 2007. A non-steady state diagenetic model for changes in sediment biogeochemistry in response to seasonally hypoxic/anoxic conditions in the "dead zone" of the Louisiana shelf. Marine Chemistry 106:239-255. WED-05-144.

Nagy, Laura, Anne Fairbrother, Matthew Etterson, and Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta. 2007. The Intersection of Independent Lies: Increasing Realism in Ecological Risk Assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 13: 355-369. WED-05-185.

Newsome S.D., Etnier M.A., Gifford-Gonzalez D., Phillips D.L., van Tuinen M., Hadly E.A., Costa D.P., Kennett D.J., Guilderson T.P., Koch P.L. 2007. The shifting baseline of northern fur seal ecology in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (23): 9709-9714. WED-07-020.

Newsome, Seth D., Carlos Martinez del Rio, Stuart Bearhop, and Donald L. Phillips. 2007. A niche for isotopic ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5: 429-436. WED-07-038.

Peterson, S.A., J. Van Sickle, A.T. Herlihy, and R.M. Hughes. Mercury Concentration in Fish from Streams and Rivers Throughout the Western United States Environmental Science & Technology 41(1) pp 58-65.WED-06-095.

Peterson, Spencer A., David V. Peck, John Van Sickle, and Robert M. Hughes. 2007. Mercury Concentration in Frozen Whole-Fish Homogenates is Insensitive to Holding Time. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 53: 411-417. WED-07-004.

Rosfjord, Catherine H., Katherine E. Webster, Jeffrey S. Kahl, Stephen A. Norton, Ivan J. Fernandez, and Alan T. Herlihy. 2007. Anthropogenically driven changes in chloride complicate interpretation of base cation trends in lakes recovering from acidic deposition. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47:7688-7693. WED-08-FCO-031.

Rustigian, Heather L., Mary V. Santelmann, and Nathan H. Schumaker. 2007. Amphibian Population Dynamics. pp 108-114 in Joan Everson Nassauer, Mary V. Santelmann, and Donald Scavia. From the Corn Belt to the Gulf; Societal and Environmental Implications of Alternative Agricultural Futures. Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C. WED-07-114.

Santelmann, Mary V., Jean C. Sifneos, Denis White, and Kathryn Freemark Lindsay. 2007. Plant Diversity. pp 91-101 in Joan Everson Nassauer, Mary V. Santelmann, and Donald Scavia. From the Corn Belt to the Gulf; Societal and Environmental Implications of Alternative Agricultural Futures. Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C. WED-07-007.

Scott, J.M., J.L. Rachlow, R.L. Lackey, A.B. Pidgorna, J.L. Aycrigg, G.R. Feldman, L.K. Svancar, D.A. Rupp, D.I. Stanish, and R.K. Steinhorst. 2007. Policy Advocacy in Science: Prevalence, Perspectives, and Implications for Conservation Biologists. Conservation Biology 21 (1):29-35. WED-07-003.

Shirazi, Mostafa A. and Minocher Reporter. 2007. A Diurnal Reflectance Model Using Grass: Surface-Substrate Interaction and Inverse Solution. Agron. J. 99:1278-1287. NHEERL-COR-1961J.

Sigleo, A.C., and W.E. Frick. 2007. Seasonal variations in river discharge and nutrient export to a Northeastern Pacific estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73:368-378. WED-06-020.

Stevens, D.L. Jr., D.P. Larsen, and A.R. Olsen. 2007. The Role of sample surveys: why should practitioners consider using a statistical sampling design? pp 11-23 in D.H. Johnson, B.M. Shrier, J.S. O’Neal, J.A. Knutzen, X. Augerot, T.A. O’Neil, and T.N. Pearsons. Salmonid field protocols handbook: techniques for assessing status and trends in salmon and trout populations. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. WED-07-011.

Taylor, A.M., J.R. Brooks, B.L. Gartner and J.J. Morrell. 2007. Radial patterns of carbon isotopes in the xylem extractives and cellulose of Douglas-fir. Tree Physiology. 27:921-927. WED-06-150.

Tingey, David T., E. Henry Lee, Donald L. Phillips, Paul T. Rygiewicz, Ronald S. Waschmann, Mark G. Johnson, and David M. Olszyk. 2007. Elevated CO2 and temperature alter net ecosystem C exchange in a young Douglas fir mesocosm experiment. Plant, Cell and Environment 30: 1400-1410. WED-07-095.

Tingey, D.T., D.L. Phillips, E. H. Lee, R.S. Waschmann, D.M. Olszyk, P.T. Rygiewicz, and M.G. Johnson. 2007. Elevated temperature, soil moisture and seasonality but not CO2 affect canopy assimilation and system respiration in seedling Douglas-fir ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 143:30-48. WED-06-158.

Usenko, Sascha, Dixon H. Landers, Peter G. Appleby, and Staci L. Simonich. 2007. Current and Historical Deposition of PBDEs, Pesticides, PCBs, and PAHs to Rocky Mountain National Park. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41:7235-7241. WED-08-FCO-014.

Van de Water, P.K., L.S. Watrud, E.H. Lee, C. Burdick, and G.A. King. 2007. Long-Distance GM Pollen Movement of Creeping Bentgrass using Modeled Wind Trajectory Analysis. Ecological Applications 17(4), pp. 1244-1256. WED-06-134.

Van Sickle, J, D.P. Larsen and C.P. Hawkins. 2007. Exclusion of rare taxa affects performance of the O/E index in bioassessments. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 26(2):319-331. WED-06-162.

Walters DM, Fritz KM, Phillips DL. 2007. Reach-scale geomorphology affects organic matter and consumer d13C in a forested Piedmont stream. Freshwater Biology 52: 1105-1119. WED-07-FCO-137.

Wardrop, Denice H., Mary E. Kentula, Donald L. Stevens, Jr., Susan F. Jensen, and Robert P. Brooks. Assessment of Wetland Condition: An Example from the Upper Juniata. WETLANDS 27(3) 416-431. WED-06-006

Wardrop, Denice H., Mary E. Kentula, Susan F. Jensen, Donald L. Stevens, Jr., Kristin C. Hychka, and Robert P. Brooks. 2007. Assessment of Wetlands in the Upper Juniata Watershed in Pennsylvania, USA Using the Hydrogeomorphic Approach. WETLANDS 27(3): 432-445. WED-07-153.

Warren, J.M., J.R. Brooks, F.C. Meinzer, J.C. Domec and R. Coulombe. 2007. Hydraulic redistribution of soil water in two old-growth coniferous forests: quantifying patterns and controls. New Phytologist. 173:753-765. WED-07-016.

Whigham, Dennis F., Amy Deller Jacobs, Donald E. Weller, Thomas E. Jordan, Mary E. Kentula, Susan F. Jensen, and Donald L. Stevens, Jr. 2007. Combining HGM and EMAP procedures to assess wetlands at the watershed scale -- status of flats and non-tidal riverine wetlands in the Nanticoke River watershed, Delaware and Maryland (USA). Wetlands 27(3): 462-478. WED-05-206.

Whittier, Thomas R., Hughes, Robert M., Lomnicky, Gregg, and Peck, David V. 2007. "Fish and amphibian tolerance values and an assemblage tolerance index for streams and rivers in the western USA." Transactions of the American Fisheries. Vol. 136:254-271. WED-06-124.

Whittier, T.R., J.L. Stoddard, D.P. Larsen, and A.T. Herlihy. 2007. Selecting reference sites for stream biological assessments: best professional judgment or objective criteria. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 26(2):349-360. WED-06-147.

Whittier, T.R., R.M. Hughes, J.L. Stoddard, G.A. Lomnicky, D.V. Peck, and A.T. Herlihy. 2007. A Structured Approach for Developing Indices of Biotic Integrity: Three examples from Streams and Rivers in the Western USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:718-735. WED-06-064.


Battin J. and J. J. Lawler, Cross-scale correlations and the design and analysis of avian habitat selection studies. 2006 The Condor 108(1):59-70 WED-05-110.

Bracken, C.L., C.W. Hendricks, and A.K. Harding. 2006. Apparent bias in river water inoculum following centrifugation. Journal of Microbiological Methods 67:304-309. WED-05-107.

Brooks, J. R., F. C. Meinzer, J. M. Warren, J.C. Domec and R. Coulombe. 2006. Hydraulic redistribution in a Douglas-fir forest: lessons from system manipulations. Plant Cell Environ. 29:138-150. WED-04-165.