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Limits (continued)

Limit by Author

Step 1: Click Add Author and begin typing the author’s name in the search box. The author search box includes an autocomplete feature. When you see the author name you are looking for, select that name.

  • To add additional authors, click the Add Another Author link to open another author search box. [Show Me]
  • The default author search is to include all author names in your search (Boolean AND). To change this search to search for any authors (Boolean OR), click the radio button adjacent to Any of these. [Show Me]
  • Click the remove link to delete an author search box. [Show Me]

Step 2 : Click Go.

Limit by Journal

Step 1: Click Add Journal and begin typing the journal title. The journal search includes an autocomplete feature. Select the title you want.

  • To add additional journal titles, click the Add Another Journal link to open another search box. The search will include any of the journal titles in your search (Boolean OR). [Show Me]
  • Click the remove link to delete a journal search box. [Show Me]

Step 2: Click Go.

Note: Author names and journals will automatically move to the PubMed search box when you click Go. [Show Me] Author and journal selections will only be included in subsequent searches if they are not cleared from the PubMed search box.

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Last Updated May 17, 2006
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