Metropolitan Area Acquisition (MAA) Request for Qualification Statement (RQS) Requirements and Q&A

Qualification Statements will be evaluated in accordance with Pass/Fail decision rules applied to each item in the technical and management requirements checklists in Section J.6. All prospective offerors who are determined to be technically acceptable will be qualified.<br> <br> Based on this evaluation, and upon consideration of the assessment of potential risks, each qualification statement will be given an adjectival rating as follows:<br> <br> - Acceptable - The qualification statement meets the Government's technical and management requirements and does not present unacceptable risks.<br> <br> - Unacceptable - The qualification statement fails to meet the Government's technical and management requirements and/or presents unacceptable risks.<br> <br> Qualification statements are to be prepared in accordance with the instructions in Section L. For a qualification statement to be acceptable, the offeror must agree to all the terms and conditions of the RQS and must receive an acceptable rating.

RQS Requirements
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
TQD-RH-97-0000  RQS Requirements PDF 3991k 9/15/2003
  RQS Q&A PDF 698k