1997 Nonemployer Statistics

Includes only firms subject to federal income tax. Nonemployers are businesses with no paid employees. Introductory text includes scope and methodology. More detail is available for employers. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
Description All taxable firms Nonemployers Employers
Value of
31-33 Manufacturing 92,459 381,985,154 43,041 2,372,711 49,418 379,612,443
311 Food mfg 6,327 40,152,307 2,828 177,173 3,499 39,975,134
3111 Animal food mfg 168 2,598,900 46 4,177 122 2,594,723
3112 Grain & oilseed milling 120 2,793,906 24 1,072 96 2,792,834
3113 Sugar & confectionery product mfg 394 2,431,253 193 8,810 201 2,422,443
3114 Fruit & vegetable preserving & specialty food mfg 678 9,536,304 349 22,242 329 9,514,062
3115 Dairy product mfg 270 7,383,458 67 5,882 203 7,377,576
3116 Meat product mfg 328 4,227,815 78 4,304 250 4,223,511
3117 Seafood product preparation & packaging 119 596,671 43 5,676 76 590,995
3118 Bakeries & tortilla mfg 3,104 4,492,849 1,379 80,219 1,725 4,412,630
3119 Other food mfg 1,146 6,091,151 649 44,791 497 6,046,360
312 Beverage & tobacco product mfg 873 11,235,126 283 30,489 590 11,204,637
313 Textile mills 555 1,389,898 94 5,499 461 1,384,399
314 Textile product mills 1,388 2,295,318 314 24,415 1,074 2,270,903
315 Apparel mfg 9,641 12,993,827 4,529 217,688 5,112 12,776,139
316 Leather & allied product mfg 695 647,101 461 13,321 234 633,780
3161 Leather & hide tanning & finishing 75 76,984 46 1,664 29 75,320
3162 Footwear mfg 135 167,942 69 1,860 66 166,082
3169 Other leather & allied product mfg 485 402,175 346 9,797 139 392,378
321 Wood product mfg 3,034 6,239,237 1,850 70,187 1,184 6,169,050
322 Paper mfg 859 8,189,259 280 21,792 579 8,167,467
323 Printing & related support activities 11,779 10,235,139 6,338 337,324 5,441 9,897,815
324 Petroleum & coal products mfg 258 20,919,231 53 5,452 205 20,913,779
325 Chemical mfg 2,104 19,645,889 560 41,380 1,544 19,604,509
3251 Basic chemical mfg 233 2,658,168 65 4,178 168 2,653,990
3252 Resin, syn rubber, & artificial & syn fibers & filaments mfg 96 1,101,112 34 3,140 62 1,097,972
3253 Pesticide, fertilizer, & other agricultural chemical mfg 127 506,989 42 4,881 85 502,108
3254 Pharmaceutical & medicine mfg 364 8,253,913 59 5,709 305 8,248,204
3255 Paint, coating, & adhesive mfg 381 2,278,752 130 6,892 251 2,271,860
3256 Soap, cleaning compound, & toilet preparation mfg 432 3,033,616 79 4,763 353 3,028,853
3259 Other chemical product mfg 471 1,813,339 151 11,817 320 1,801,522
326 Plastics & rubber products mfg 2,776 12,993,019 769 48,559 2,007 12,944,460
327 Nonmetallic mineral product mfg 3,239 7,542,932 1,674 52,520 1,565 7,490,412
3271 Clay product & refractory mfg 1,104 570,796 831 18,708 273 552,088
3272 Glass & glass product mfg 885 1,736,362 565 20,692 320 1,715,670
3273 Cement & concrete product mfg N N D D 673 3,686,150
3274 Lime & gypsum product mfg N N D D 48 459,229
3279 Other nonmetallic mineral product mfg 439 1,087,058 188 9,783 251 1,077,275
331 Primary metal mfg 974 6,141,332 507 35,559 467 6,105,773
332 Fabricated metal product mfg 12,755 24,421,239 4,628 284,136 8,127 24,137,103
333 Machinery mfg 6,502 19,348,696 3,390 220,244 3,112 19,128,452
334 Computer & electronic product mfg 5,690 113,602,553 1,413 108,990 4,277 113,493,563
335 Electrical equipment, appliance, & component mfg 2,591 7,311,884 1,636 104,450 955 7,207,434
336 Transportation equipment mfg 1,957 34,841,730 252 23,737 1,705 34,817,993
337 Furniture & related product mfg 5,033 6,793,433 2,292 124,115 2,741 6,669,318
339 Miscellaneous mfg 13,429 15,046,004 8,890 425,681 4,539 14,620,323
3391 Medical equipment & supplies mfg 2,302 8,163,649 319 27,960 1,983 8,135,689
3399 Other miscellaneous mfg 11,127 6,882,355 8,571 397,721 2,556 6,484,634
D Withheld to avoid disclosure;   N Not available; S Withheld because data do not meet publication standards;   W Wholesale receipts for nonemployers are not comparable to wholesale sales for employers;   X Industry not in scope of Economic Census for employers;   t Total does not include employer data for out-of-scope industries;   r revised subsequent to initial publication

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Source: 1997 Economic Census:   Nonemployer Statistics and Geographic Area Series (for employers)

Last modified: 1/17/02   Questions?