U.S. Geological Survey

Atlas of Relations Between Climatic Parameters and Distributions of Important Trees and Shrubs in North America

by Robert S. Thompson1, Katherine H. Anderson2, and Patrick J. Bartlein3
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1650 A&B

Online Version 1.0, 14 December 1999

This atlas explores the continental-scale relations between the geographic ranges of woody plant species and climate in North America. A 25-km equal-area grid of modern climatic and bioclimatic parameters was constructed from instrumental weather records. The geographic distributions of selected tree and shrub species were digitized, and the presence or absence of each species was determined for each cell on the 25-km grid, thus providing a basis for comparing climatic data and species' distributions. The relations between climate and plant distributions are explored in graphical and tabular form. The results of this effort are primarily intended for use in biogeographic, paleoclimatic, and global-change research.

These web pages provide access to the text, digital representations of figures, and supplemental data files from USGS Professional Paper 1650, chapters A and B. A printed set of these volumes can be ordered from the USGS at a cost of US$63.00. To order, please call or write:

             USGS Information Services
             Box 25286
             Denver Federal Center
             Denver, CO 80225
             Tel: 303-202-4700; Fax: 303-202-4693 


Introduction, Methods, and Data Sources

Download/View Atlas Pages
Conifers (PP 1650-A)
Hardwoods (PP 1650-B)

Histogram Data Tables

GIS Files of Tree Species Range Maps


For questions or comments regarding this publication, please contact Robert Thompson

1Earth Surface Processes Team, U.S. Geological Survey
2Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado
3Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

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