Appendix B
Sample Letters

The following pages contain sample letters for use by fraud victims and victim/witness coordinators. The first eight letters are for use by victims. The next 13 letters are models that victim/witness coordinators can follow.

A.Letters for Use by Victims

1.Request to Be Removed from Mailing Lists

2.Request to Be Removed from Phone Lists

3.Letter to Credit Reporting Agencies (Initial Letter)

4.Letter to Credit Grantors (Including Creditors, Banks, Department Stores, Utility Companies, and Investment Firms)

5.Letter to Collection Agencies

6.Notification to General Creditors to Flag Account

7.Bureau of Prisons Notification Request

8.Petition for Remission or Mitigation of Forfeiture

B.Letters and Forms for Use by Victim/Witness Coordinators

1.Post-Sentencing Disposition Letter to Victims with Findings of Guilt

2.Guilty Verdict/Victim Impact Statement/Sentencing Notice to Witnesses and Other Interested Parties

3.Notification to BOP of Victim Request

4.Confirmation to Victim of Receipt and Forwarding of BOP Notification Request

5.Request for Inmate Status--State Custody

6.Not-Guilty Verdict Letter

7.Notice of Arrest

8.Notice of Indictment

9.Notice of Arraignment

10.Notice of Trial

11.Letter to Employer on Behalf of Victim or Witness for Any Scheduled Court Event

12.Abstract of Judgment

13.Petition for Remission or Mitigation (Cover Letter to Non-Owner Victims)

A.Letters for Use by Victims

 1.Request to Be Removed from Mailing Lists


Mail Preference Service

Direct Marketing Association

P.O. Box 9014

Farmington, NY 11735

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am writing to request that my name be removed from any and all mailing lists for unsolicited mail, effective immediately. I am currently receiving unsolicited mail at:



[City, State and ZIP code]

Other persons living at this address who also request that their names be removed immediately from any and all mailing lists are [Names of family members]. If this request is not sufficient for removing my name or those of my listed family members, please notify me promptly of any other procedures I need to follow. I can be reached at the address listed above. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Signature of victim]

[Printed name]

 2. Request to Be Removed from Phone Lists


Telephone Preference Service

Direct Marketing Association

P.O. Box 9008

Farmington, NY 11735

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am writing to request that my name be removed from any and all phone lists for unsolicited telemarketing phone calls, effective immediately. I am currently receiving unsolicited telephone calls at [Area code and phone number].

Other persons living at this address who also request that their names be removed immediately from any and all phone lists are [Names of family members]. If this request is not sufficient for removing my name or those of my listed family members, please notify me promptly of any other procedures I need to follow. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Signature of victim]

[Printed name]

[Street address]

[City, State and ZIP code]

  3.Letter to Credit Reporting Agencies (Initial Letter)


Equifax Information Service Center

Customer Service/Fraud Assistance Unit

P.O. Box 740256

Atlanta, GA 30374


Consumer Fraud Assistance Unit

P.O. Box 949

Allen, TX 75013


Fraud Victim Assistance Department

P.O. Box 6790

Fullerton, CA 92834

Or Local Credit Reporting Bureaus

Re: [Victim's name]

Social Security Number: __________

Date of Birth: __________

Subject: Case of Fraud

Dear Sir/Madam:

This letter is to serve as written follow-up to my phone call to your office on [Date]. As I stated in my call to your representative [Name], I am the victim of identity fraud. I became aware of the theft of my identity on [Date] and in the following manner: [Brief description of crime].

Thus, I request certain items and assistance from your office. Specifically, please:

I am attaching a copy of my last utility payment and driver's license to verify my identity. I have filed a complaint with the [Name of police department] concerning this crime. The police report number is [Number]. You may contact [Name of investigator or case agent] at [Phone number] to verify that this crime was reported.

Thank you very much for your immediate attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving the information I have requested, along with a copy of my credit report. Should you need me to supply with any additional information, please notify me as soon as possible. My address is [Home address], and I can be reached during the day at [Phone number] and during the evening at [Phone number].





[City, State and ZIP code]

  4. Letter to Credit Grantors (Including Creditors, Banks, Department Stores, Utility Companies, Investment Firms)

 [Name of Supervisor of Fraud Department]



[City, State, ZIP code]

Re: Identity Fraud

Account: __________

Dear [Name of Supervisor of Fraud Department]:

On [Date], I contacted your office by phone to alert your company that I am the victim of identity fraud and that the account opened under my name, with your agency, was done so fraudulently. This letter should serve as written verification of the crime. Please note that I phoned your office immediately upon learning of the fraud, and thus I shall not be responsible for any charges or debits resulting from this crime.

I was informed by [Name of company representative] that you opened an account in my name and that [Information, statements, credit cards, etc.] were mailed to the following address: [Address]. That is not my address. My address is [Address] and has been for the past [Number of months or years]. I have enclosed a copy of my current utility statement and driver's license to verify my identity.

I will be happy to complete any paperwork your company may require in conjunction with this report or sign any affidavits required of me. Please close this account immediately and send to my attention the following:

[As applicable]

I reported this crime to the police on [Date]. The police report number is [Number]. You may contact [Investigator or case agent] for additional information or verification of the reporting of this crime. [He/she] can be reached at [Phone number].

Additionally, please do not sell my name, address, or phone number to anyone at anytime for promotional purposes. Please do not make any address changes or issue any new credit in my name without first personally contacting me to verify the request's legitimacy.

I look forward to receiving the information I have requested without delay. If you should need to reach me by phone, I can be reached at [Phone number] during the day and [Phone number] in the evening.



[Printed name]

  5.Letter to Collection Agencies


[Supervisor's name]


[City, State and ZIP code]

Re: Account Number: __________

Dear [Supervisor's name]:

This letter is to serve as written notification that I am a victim of a fraud crime. The account currently in your office for collection does not belong to me--it was opened fraudulently. I reported this crime to [Name of police department] on [Date]. The police report number is [Number]. The [Investigator/case agent] handling my case is [Name]. [He/she] can be reached at [Phone number].

Please provide me with all documentation of the original fraudulent account. Additionally, please send me whatever forms are necessary for me to sign so that this account can be removed from my credit report. Do not send me any further threatening letters and do not call me, my employer, or anyone else about this. If you should need any additional documentation concerning this crime, please contact me at [mailing address]. I request written confirmation that this account has been removed from my credit history.

Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter.


[Signature of victim]


 6.Notification to General Creditors to Flag Account


[Agency representative]


[City, State and ZIP code]

Name of Account: __________

Account Number: __________

Dear [Agency representative]:

This letter is to serve as written verification that I am a victim of identity fraud. While it does not appear that any fraudulent activity has occurred in the account listed above, I would like a credit/fraud alert placed on my file that notes that prior to making any changes in my account I am notified for approval. This includes changes to my address. I have enclosed a copy of my current utility statement and driver's license to verify my identity and the correct address.

Do not close the account. Once again, no fraudulent activity has occurred at this time. This notice is only an alert that fraudulent activity has occurred in other accounts under my name. Please send me written verification that the requested credit/fraud alert has been placed in my file. If you should require anything else from me, I can be reached at [Phone number] during the day or [Phone number] during the evening.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.





[City, State and ZIP code]

  7.Bureau of Prisons Notification Request


[Victim/witness coordinator]


[City, State and ZIP code]

Re: United States v. [Defendant's name]

Bureau of Prisons Notification

This is to serve as notice that I wish to be notified of any and all releases or related proceedings involving the above-named defendant. This information includes notice of furloughs, transfers, death, and final release, as well as any escape or recapture. I understand this request will be forwarded to the Bureau of Prisons, which will keep me informed of all changes.



 My contact information is [Print or type]:



Home phone: (____)

Work phone: (____)

 I understand that the responsibility for notifying the Bureau of Prisons of any change in my address or phone number is mine. Thank you for your assistance.

 8.Petition for Remission or Mitigation of Forfeiture



[Address of U.S. Attorney's Office]

[Send copy to the seizing agency in the district where the seizure took place or, in the case of the DEA, at the address set forth in 28 C.F.R. § 9.4(e).]

FROM:[Name, address, social security or other taxpayer identification number, and daytime telephone number]

 1. I, [Name of petitioner], assert that I am a victim of the offense committed by defendant(s), [Name of defendant(s)], who [was/were] convicted in [Full name and number of case, with date of conviction, or of a related offense], having lost the following property to the defendant(s) as a direct result of that offense or related offense, without having any knowledge that defendant(s) [was/were] engaged in illegal activity: [Describe: the property in detail, including serial numbers, legal descriptions, etc. as appropriate; any evidence of the fair market value of the property on the date of the loss; any information concerning the present whereabouts of the property; and any information concerning the agency that seized the property, the asset identifier number, and the date and place of seizure].

2. The circumstances that led to my being a victim are as follows: [Describe in detail how you were victimized, providing names of witnesses, dates, and locations, attaching copies of relevant documents, and, if you turned over property to the defendant(s), explaining how you were induced to do so and what, if any, direct or indirect benefits you received].

3. I have made the following efforts to receive compensation for my losses: [Describe in detail all attempts to be reimbursed and the outcome or present status of those efforts]. I am unaware of any other assets of the defendant(s) against which I might have recourse, except the following: [State any information you have suggesting the defendant(s) has/have any other assets].

4. I affirm that if I receive any compensation for my losses, I will immediately notify the official who grants this petition (if it is granted) of that fact.

5. I understand that this petition will be governed by the regulations, including definitions of terms such as "victim" and "related offense," set forth in 28 C.F.R. § 9.1 et seq.


 State of:__________________

County of:__________________

 I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing petition, including any attachments thereto, is true and correct in every respect.


[Date signed][Signature of petitioner]



 State of:__________________

County of:__________________

I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I have authorized [Name of attorney], [Address of attorney], to represent me in this proceeding, that I have fully reviewed the petition, including any attachments thereto, and that the petition and any such attachments are true and correct in every respect.


[Date signed][Signature of petitioner]


 State of:__________________

County of:__________________

 I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that upon information and belief the foregoing petition, including any attachments thereto, is true and correct in every respect.


[Date signed][Signature of attorney]

  B.Letters for Use by Victim/Witness Coordinators

 1.Post-Sentencing Disposition Letter to Victims with Findings of Guilt


[Name of victim]


[City, State and ZIP code]

Re: United States v. [Defendant's name]

Case #: __________

Dear [Victim]:

This letter is to inform you that on [Date], [Defendant] [pleaded or was found] guilty of the charges of [Name of charges] in the U.S. Federal Court. As a result, [his/her] conviction, [Defendant] was sentenced to [Sentence] on [Day, Date], before Judge [Name].

[Add if sentenced to a prison term:] More specifically, [Defendant] will be required to serve [Amount of time] in federal custody. Upon [his/her] release from custody, [Defendant] will be placed on supervised release for a period of [Length of term]. [His/her] supervision will be monitored by [Name of supervising agency].

[Add if appropriate:] Conditions of [his/her] supervised release will include [conditions].

[Add if appropriate:] As a part of [his/her] sentence, [Defendant] was ordered to pay you a sum of [Amount] as restitution for your financial losses. The U.S. Probation Department will arrange a payment schedule for your repayment. You will receive information from the U.S. Probation Department in the near future concerning these payments.

As the victim of this crime and under federal law, you are entitled to receive certain information about this defendant while [he/she] is in federal custody, if you so request. This information includes notice of furloughs, transfers, death, and final release, as well as any escape. If you would like to receive this information, please complete and return the enclosed form. Your completed form should be returned to [Contact name and address].

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and cooperation throughout the prosecution of this case. It is only when citizens come forward to participate in criminal proceedings that our justice system works most efficiently.

If you should have any additional questions about your right to receive information about the supervision of this defendant while [he/she] is under the supervision of the federal correctional system, or if you need assistance in completing the enclosed form, please contact [Contact name] at [Phone number]. [He/she/I] will be happy to assist you in any manner possible.




Victim/Witness Coordinator

 2.Guilty Verdict/Victim Impact Statement/Sentencing Notice to Witnesses and Other Interested Parties


[Name of victim, witness, or other party]


[City, State and ZIP code]

Re: United States v. [Defendant's name]

Case #: __________

Dear [Victim, witness, or other party]:

This letter is to inform you that on [Date], [Defendant] was of convicted in [Name of court] of [Type of crime]. The defendant will be sentenced on [Day, Date] at [Time] before Judge [Name]. The sentencing hearing will take place at the [Location] in Courtroom [Number]. You are encouraged to attend the sentencing; however, you are not required to attend. If you would like to attend, please call our office at [Number] the day before the scheduled hearing to determine if there have been any changes in the date, time, and location of the hearing.

[If writing to a witness, add:] Our nation's criminal justice system cannot work efficiently without the cooperation of all of its citizens. Your participation helped to ensure this conviction. We thank you.

If you should need any further assistance or information concerning this case, please feel free to contact [Name]. [He/she] can be reached at [Number].




Victim/Witness Coordinator

 3.Notification to BOP of Victim Request


[Name], Chief

Victim/Witness Coordinator

Office of Victim Assistance

Federal Bureau of Prisons

320 First Street, N.W., Room 531

Washington, DC 20534

Re: United States v. [Defendant]

U.S. Marshal #: __________

Docket #: __________

Date of Sentencing: __________

Dear [Name]:

The following individual(s) have requested to be notified of all release and release-related proceedings pertaining to the defendant named above. This information includes notice of furloughs, transfers, death, and final release, as well as any escape.

Requestor 1.



Home Phone: (____)

Work Phone: (____)

 Requestor 2.



Home Phone: (____)

Work Phone: (____)

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at [Phone number].




Victim/Witness Coordinator

 4.Confirmation to Victim of Receipt and Forwarding of BOP Notification Request




[City, State and ZIP code]

Re: United States v. [Defendant]

Information Request Verification

Dear [Victim]:

Your request to be notified of all release-related information concerning [Defendant] has been forwarded to the Bureau of Prisons Office of Victim Assistance. This information includes notice of furloughs, transfers, death, and final release, as well as any escape and recapture.

I have enclosed information about the Bureau of Prisons Victim/Witness Notification Program, along with the various types of notifications you may elect to receive. You should begin to receive correspondence from the correctional facility where [Defendant] is confined in the near future.

Please remember to advise the Bureau of Prisons or this office of any changes in your contact information so that your information will remain current. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or the Bureau of Prisons victim/witness coordinator. I can be reached at [Number]. The Bureau of Prisons victim/witness coordinator can be reached at (800) 359-3267.




Victim/Witness Coordinator

 5.Request for Inmate Status--State Custody


[State agency representative]

[State agency]


[City, State and ZIP code]

Re: United States v. [Defendant]

Case #: __________

Dear [Representative]:

This letter is to inform your agency that the victim in the above-named case has requested to be notified of the escape, parole eligibility date, parole hearing date, and release or transfer of the defendant(s) from prison.

Victim's Name:


Defendant's Name:

U.S. Marshal # :

State I.D. # :

Date Sentenced:

Federal Sentencing Court and Jurisdiction:

Federal Sentence:

Federal Term of Probation:

The Federal Bureau of Prisons in Washington, D.C., has requested that it be placed in your state notification system because [Defendant] has been sentenced to serve federal time [concurrently/consecutively] with state time. Notification information should be addressed as follows:

[Name], Chief

Victim/Witness Coordinator

Federal Bureau of Prisons, Office of Victim Assistance

320 First Street, N.W., Room 531

Washington, DC 20534

Your cooperation in notifying the victim of these events is greatly appreciated. I have given the victim a copy of this letter with instructions to notify your office of any changes in address and phone number. If you have any questions, please call me at [Number]. Thank you for your cooperation.




Victim/Witness Coordinator

 cc: [Name], Parole Commissioner, Parole Commission

 6.Not-Guilty Verdict Letter




[City, State and ZIP code]

Re: United States v. [Defendant]

Case #: __________

Dear [Victim]:

This letter is to advise you that [Defendant] was found to be not guilty of the charge of [Charge]. A not guilty finding means that the case is over and [Defendant] will not be prosecuted further in this matter.

Please do not feel that this verdict means that the [Judge/jury] felt [Defendant] did not commit this crime. It only means that the evidence available to our office did not prove [His/her] guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt." Learning of this decision, no doubt, must be most upsetting for you.

Your participation in the prosecution of this case fulfilled a very vital and necessary role in our criminal justice system. Without your cooperation and assistance, we would not have been able to move forward in our attempts to prosecute [Defendant]. On behalf of my office, I thank you for your efforts.

If I can answer any questions you may have, or assist you in any other way, please feel free to contact me. I can be reached at [Number].




Victim/Witness Coordinator

  7.Notice of Arrest




[City, State and ZIP code]

Re: United States v. [Defendant]

Case #: __________

Dear [Victim]:

This letter is to inform you that [Defendant] has been arrested and [is/has been] [taken into custody or released on bail, bond, or his/her own recognizance].

The next step in the criminal justice process will be to present the case to a federal grand jury. A grand jury is a panel of private citizens who hear and review the evidence collected in a case and then determine if the federal prosecutor has enough evidence to warrant sending the [Defendant] to trial. If your appearance is required, a subpoena will be issued and either mailed or served to you by the U.S. Marshals Service. You will be compensated for your time according to government regulations. You will also receive additional information from this office about the grand jury process.

Grand jury hearings are not open to the public. If your appearance is not required, you will be informed by this office of the grand jury's decision. If you should have any questions about this information, please call me at [Number]. Please feel free to call collect if you live outside the local dialing area. Thank you for your continued cooperation.




Victim/Witness Coordinator

  8.Notice of Indictment




[City, State and ZIP code]

Re: United States v. [Defendant]

Case #: __________

 Dear [Victim]:

This letter is to inform you that a federal grand jury returned an indictment against [Defendant] for the crime of [Type of crime]. The next step in the criminal justice process will be to formally arraign [Defendant]. At an arraignment hearing, a defendant formally pleads guilty or not guilty to the offense with which [he/she] is charged. Although you are permitted to attend the arraignment, your presence is not required. You will be notified as soon as the arraignment date is scheduled.

If you have any questions about this information, please call me at [Number]. Please feel free to call collect if you live outside the local dialing area. Thank you for your continued cooperation.




Victim/Witness Coordinator

  9.Notice of Arraignment




[City, State and ZIP code]

Re: United States v. [Defendant]

Case #: __________

Dear [Victim]:

This letter is to inform you that [Defendant] has been scheduled for arraignment at [Time] on [Date] before [Magistrate/Judge] [Name]. The arraignment will take place in Room [Number] at [Location]. An arraignment hearing is one in which the defendant formally pleads guilty or not guilty to the offense with which [he/she] is charged. Although you are permitted to attend the arraignment, your presence is not required.

If [Defendant] does not plead guilty at the arraignment, a trial date will be set and you will be notified of the date, time, and location and notified whether your appearance is required. If your appearance is required, a subpoena will be issued and either mailed or served to you by the U.S. Marshals Service. If you are required to attend the trial, you will be compensated for your time according to government regulations. If a plea agreement is considered in lieu of trial, you will be notified before it is accepted and will be informed as to whether your attendance will be required at the arraignment. Most often it is not.

If you have any questions about this information, please call me at [Number]. Please feel free to call collect if you live outside the local dialing area. Thank you for your continued cooperation.




Victim/Witness Coordinator

  10.Notice of Trial




[City, State and ZIP code]

Re: United States v. [Defendant]

Case #: __________

Dear [Victim]:

This is to inform you that a trial date has been set in your case. The trial is scheduled for [Date] in U.S. Federal Court and will be held at [Location]. The trial will begin at [Time]. It is possible, however, that this date may change. Some cases are resolved after they have been scheduled for trial. If this should occur in your case, you will be notified in advance that the Assistant U.S. Attorney is considering a plea settlement with the defendant. Other trials are postponed for a number of legal reasons. I will make every attempt to inform you in advance of changes in the trial date.

If you are required to attend the trial, you will receive a subpoena, either by mail or through the U.S. Marshals Service. As a government witness, you are entitled to be reimbursed for certain fees and travel-related expenses associated with your appearance. The enclosed government travel information will provide you with the necessary reimbursement information. If we require your appearance in court, you will be notified.

The U.S. Marshals Service has taken certain precautions to make the courthouse safe and secure. All visitors entering the building must pass through a metal detector. This procedure exists to ensure the safety of everyone. On the day of the trial, you should report to [Location], unless you have been instructed by the Assistant U.S. Attorney to report elsewhere.

Prior to the trial, the Assistant U.S. Attorney or a law enforcement officer may need to contact you by phone or consult with you in person about certain aspects of the case. If someone approaches you, other than the Assistant U.S. Attorney or a law enforcement officer, you are under no obligation to speak with him or her about your case. You may, however, speak with them if you choose. If you are contacted by persons other than those listed above, please call me and let me know who contacted you and whether you spoke with or are planning to speak with them.

As the trial date approaches, I will contact you again to assist you with any travel arrangements that may be necessary for your appearance. Additionally, I will be available to provide any assistance you might need while working with your employer to schedule time away from work. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at [Number].




Victim/Witness Coordinator

 11.Letter to Employer on Behalf of a Victim or Witness for Any Scheduled Court Event




[City, State and ZIP code]

Dear [Employer]:

I am contacting you on behalf of the United States Attorney's Office for the District of [District]. This letter is to inform you that [Victim or witness] will be required to attend a court hearing set for [Date] at [Time]. [Victim or witness] has received a subpoena for this appearance and can provide you a copy if you wish.

[Victim or witness] has expressed concern over losing wages for time away from work while participating in the proceedings. It has been our experience that most companies have a personnel policy that allows for paid leave for employees summoned to jury duty or participation at court proceeding, as such participation is seen as every citizen's civic responsibility. Hopefully, your company already has a similar policy. If not, we ask that you extend all consideration of payment for time away from the job for [Victim].

We understand that your business may be burdened by your employee's time away from work. We will make every reasonable attempt to minimize the time [he/she] is needed away from the job. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. I can be reached at [Number]. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.




Victim/Witness Coordinator

 12.Abstract of Judgment


Pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 3201, this judgment, upon the filing of this abstract in the manner in which a notice of tax lien would be filed under paragraphs (1) and (2) of 26 U.S.C. § 6323(f), creates a lien on all real property of the defendant(s) and has priority over all other liens or encumbrances which are perfected later in time. The lien created by this section is effective, unless satisfied, for a period of 20 years and may be renewed by filing a notice of renewal. If such notice of renewal is filed before the expiration of the 20-year period to prevent the expiration of the lien and the court approves the renewal, the lien shall relate back to the date the judgment is filed.

Names and Address of Parties Against Whom Judgments Have Been Obtained Names of Parties in Whose Favor Judgments Have Been Obtained
[Debtor Name]

[Address Line 1]

[Address Line 2]


Amount of Judgment

Names of Creditors' Attorneys When Docketed
[Judgment Amount]

PLUS interest accruing at the rate of [percentage], costs and surcharge.



[Office Address]

[City, State ZIP]




[…] Court No. […]


I CERTIFY, That the foregoing is a correct Abstract of the Judgment entered or registered by this Court.

Dated at [City, State],

[Month Day], [Year]

[Clerk's Name], CLERK OF COURTS

By ___________________, Deputy Clerk

 13.Petition for Remission or Mitigation (Cover Letter to Non-Owner Victims)

 Dear [Victim]:

Re: Petitions for Remission or Mitigation of Non-Owner Victims, 28 C.F.R. §§ 9.1 et seq. (copy attached for your information)

It has come to our attention that you may be a victim of the crime for which [Defendant(s)] was/were convicted in case number _____ on [Date], that is a violation of [Specify crime(s) of conviction], or of a "related offense" [Describe the related offense, if appropriate].

I have attached a model petition for your use, should you believe you are entitled to file a petition as a non-owner victim pursuant to the attached regulations.

[The following statements may or may not be appropriate, depending on the victim/witness corrdinator's knowledge of the circumstances of the potential petitioner and the facts of the case:]

For your information, I am providing the following information about certain property seized by the United States: [Date and location of seizure, seizing agency, and asset identifier number of property that victim lost.]

Also, for your information, the following documents are already in the possession of the U.S. Attorney's Office and need not be provided as part of any petition you might file: [Documents that are in the USAO's possession, that are necessary to the potential petitioner's case, and that the potential petitioner is likely to have trouble producing on his/her own.]




Victim/Witness Coordinator

 Enclosure: 28 C.F.R. §§ 9.1 to 9.9

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This document was last updated on June 26, 2008